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Everything posted by fallendesperado

  1. I was thinking of replace the table top. Maybe use 3 inches of birch plywood glued together. The pedals are definitely an issue since they use steel rods to connect to a speed controller . I'd have to sacrifice using a pedal foot lift or design solenoid to actuate the pedal lift arm. The speed pedal is probably not to difficult to redesign but the foot lift would be really tricky. It might be a bunch easier to just get a sit down sewing table and try finfing some sort of ergonimic chair. After all the back surgeries and damage sitting or standing get unbearable pretty quickly but going back and forth between the 2 positions is far easier to tolerate but it might be impossible to engineer with this type of machine .
  2. Oh, I see what you mean. Needing a third leg would pretty much take out the ability to adjust the table up and down quickly with the crank.
  3. @kgg it's an adler 105-64. It's a cylinder arm.
  4. I have a pretty messed up back and hip from years of abuse and age. I've been changing out all the tables and desks I use to the quickly adjustable height stuff so I can sit or stand as needed to keep working. I've been looking for a sewing table for an Adler 105-64 cylinder arm and it appears the adjustments are minimal on ready made stuff and they require tools and too much time to re-adjust. For those of you that sew a lot at your machines, would something like this work bench from Home Depot work as a sewing machine table if I used a layered plywood top and cut a "u" in it like the u tables? Having wheels is a plus for me. Can you see any disadvantages? Are pedestal stands superior to a table type? I really don't have much leather sewing experience and I'd rather not waste a lot of time and end up on a dead end. However, I do happen to already own that table so I can repurpose it cheap. Pics are the home depot table and a random "u" table
  5. I have a couple of questions for the wise sages that are members of this forum if you could spare the time. I just bought an Adler 105-64 that appears to be in reasonable shape, considering it's from West Germany vintage. I'm basically wanting it for smaller work like knife sheaths, gun holsters, or sewing patches on hats with chunkier thread, motorcycle gear and bags as my leather working skills are very mediocre. I need to either make or buy a table and motor for it. Do any of you know of a good source for that or the plans for building one? Also I was thinking a roller foot might work better for doing patches on hats. Is there any source for that? It might also need feed dogs. My understanding is it will only sew 7/16" thickness with with #346 thread. Can a modified pressure foot and needle clamp get it to accommodate a full 1/2"? I have pretty solid experience with vintage domestic machines and I have an Adler 30-70 and a cheap portable walking foot.
  6. Hey this is really some silly novice questions but I picked up an older lsz1 with a pretty hefty hand wheel on it. I doubt it's going to do what I need but first question is there a substitute needle I can use just to see if it can sew? It calls for 135x16 or 135x17 and I have none. I have a bazillion domestic 15x1 , 127x1, dbx1, some 332 LL LG , 287 wh... and 16x257 and 16x231 I hate buying needles for a machine I probably won't keep so do I have anything that might work for testing? Also everyone is a week out minimum because the shipping companies are slow The machine uses singer 15 bobbin case with an oscillating hook like most of the Japanese domestic machines and it runs and feeds well.
  7. haha I have one of those shoe patchers. I've not done leather work with it but it saved my but when i had to sew a ton of embroidered patches (I do commercial embroidery) on to a bunch of baseball caps. It took me forever since I have no motor and hand cranked it but I like that it used just everyday sewing needles for typical home machines. It was 40wt polyester i was running and the whole time i was thinking "if this little thing just had a motor"
  8. It will liet you put front patches on areas that have a pocket also....without sewing the pocket closed
  9. Greeting folks! I'm not really a leather worker (yet) but I do screen printing, graphics, commercial embroidery and a bunch of other stuff. I recently purchase a used Adler 30-70 for sewing some stuff and haven't yet got it stitching. I'm a knife collector so the first projects I'm planning are sheaths. I figures something simple
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