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    Pittsburgh, PA

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  1. No breakages! Everything’s timed perfect and running like rain. I just saw that video and thought my machine was screwed up because of the rough transport home. Glad to be able to reach out to such a knowledgeable resource base to check/verify for sure. Thanks again!
  2. Thanks for the input. As far as I can tell mine doesn't appear to be modified and I'm thrilled/relieved that it's running the way "it's sposed to". Appreciate you input, Dave
  3. Thanks for the reaffirmation of information and the info on the 31K15vs. the 31-15. Very useful!
  4. Thanks for the good news! I really manhandled this Formica and angle iron table (with machine on top) getting it into the truck and was deeply worried I broke/bent/busted a part. Otherwise, everything looks great! It only needed a very fine adjustment to hook/race time. Feed dog timing looked great. Thanks again for the reply.
  5. Thanks very much! I tried initially to upload directly here, but the file size was too large for user upload. I was short by less than 0.5MB. Again, hope it helps!
  6. Hi All, I have a question regarding Harry Rogers YouTube video on his Singer 31K15. At approximately 4:16 seconds he talks about the tension pin on the inside of the tension assembly and how it's actuated by rotation of the cam. I looked for this particular movement in my Singer 31-15 and haven't seen it at all. There's not one part of the machine that touches this interior tension pin during the rotation of the cam. Overall question is, how different are the 31K15 and the 31-15. Should I be seeing this movement in my 31-15 machine? If I am supposed to see it, what adjustments can be made to ensure this pin will actuate properly during the cycle of the machine? If needed I can upload a video to show what I'm dealing with. Thanks, Dave
  7. Hi All, This is my first post and I thought I'd try and help some Singer 31-15 users out by creating an edited version of the US Aircrew Survival Equipmentman chapter on the Singer 31-15. I just picked one up last night and will have several questions myself going forward. Hope this helps! Edited PDF of Aircrew Survival Equipmentman Section on the Singer 31-15 The link is for an open share to the PDF on my Dropbox. If you're not able to get the file I may need to change permissions. Hope it helps someone, Dave
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