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About CIC

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  • Location
    NorthEast USA between CT, NY, PA, WV. & OHIO
  • Interests
    Everything from laser physics to horticulture.
    Either highly technical or dirt simple.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Bare-bones Beginner
  • Interested in learning about
    Best Practices

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  1. As I re-read your post I can't help to ask myself, "Did I ever ask about sides & backs & bellies or needles?" Is that even on the same planet as an acceptable response to a query about thread (whether I could reproduce it or not?) Is that what your laffing smiley was all about? Sure, I can be thick sometimes, but I'm right confused about this one. And thanks for the thread sites.
  2. I guess (search) mileage varies on this site because I didn't get anything like what you're describing. I think that laughing smiley applies more to you for refusing to name at least one good thread source. How about a recommendation for a thread vendor?
  3. Tom, I really do divide my time between these 5 states. /Jer/
  4. Gee, guyz, don't take this the wrong way but I was only asking where to buy thick, round, unwaxed thread. I can take the treatment as well as anyone of ye, but I just want some thread. Who is your best thread supplier? Who do you think I should buy it from? Of course I searched unwaxed linen thread and got all the vendors that paid to have their names come up first. That's the point of my asking where y'all buy your thread: to get a good recommendation for some trusted thread vendors. I really thought ye would have started coming across with the names of vendors, that's why I played along...I dread the thought of seeming ungrateful. But honestly, I'll be asking you better questions as I keep on making things. At some point I want to try a cartridge belt for my boy and I should have some good questions then, but I just want to have a little fun now with a new hobby sewing leather with the kind of thread I want to stitch with. So, does anyone know a good thread vendor? Thanks, /Jer/
  5. Gee, Nick, you asked for a pic and I sent it. I didn't know it was going to show up as a thumbnail, it certainly wasn't one that I copied and pasted. I'll try something else next time I post. They are cheap chinese diamond shaped 4mm spaced. The threads are flat braided with 3 strands. The needles are fat and blunt except a few triangle shaped ones that are pointy enuf to be dangerous if mishandled. I live in the great NorthEast between CT, NY, PA, WV. & OHIO. I am making small things like pencil holders & fobs to hang on keychains. And thanks for keeping after me about all that. If you need more I'll tell you. /Jer/
  6. Hey man, thanks for the reply. I was beginning to think I'm in the wrong place. It's nuthin' fancy, just a bunch of pricking irons and some needles & thread. The thread is so thin it doesn't fill the holes made by the irons. The needles are so thick it is difficult to get them thru the leather. I suppose 2mm is a bit excessive, I just mentioned it as the upper end of the range. Oh, the thread is flat which doesn't look right to me. I'd be mighty grateful for a solid recommendation for a professional thread vendor. Just some company that you liked enuff to earn your repeat business. Thanks again.
  7. Thanks Matt. Have you used this supplier in the past? I only ask because it looks like the product ships from Poland, WOW.
  8. Gee, maybe I wasn't very clear. I want a nice thick thread. I'd like it to be round. And I'd like it to take the color of my choice. I was hoping to get a recommendation from an experienced leatherman, so as to save me some effort in contacting so many retailers that might not have what I want. I've already been misled by a supplier telling me their thread is all those things just to get me to make a purchase...it's the last nickel of my money they will ever see. If there are no recommendations, I'm sorry to be a burden.
  9. This is my first plea for help...here goes: Being new to leatherwork, I'm completely without tools & supplies. I've watched a number of vidjas (videos, as we say it 'round here) and came up with a pricks & stitches kit from amazon that helped me figure out what else I needed to know. The first thing is that the flat braided thread in the kit doesn't fill the holes I make with the pricking tools. After poking around suppliers, I find I need to ask a question: Where can I find a very thick, round thread that I can dye to a color of my choosing? And by thick I mean 1mm or greater, maybe even a full 2mm. Is there an easy answer to this?
  10. Gee, I didn't mean to give the impression that I take advantage of people. Maybe I didn't 'splain it right. Let me try again. 1) I specify a suitable double-entry accounting software title (or package.) Not mickey-mouse junk. 2) I construct and test the necessary calculations for all applicable taxing authorities, not just sales & payroll. 3) I oversee & assist in entering employees. 4) I Check each calculation for accuracy. This process has yet to exceed $500 unless an inordinate amount of hand-holding 'is insisted upon.' I hope this improves your opinion of me.
  11. Thanks man, this is what I was asking after. And the part I like is where it says that 'states CAN mandate...' Now it is up to the state to pass legislation. So far, none of the states I'm licensed in have done so, but I'm sure it is a matter of time.
  12. It is amazing how many people are happy to pay 'Wells Fargo' $285/pay-period to process their payroll. I've done well empowering businesses with programs like Peachtree or MAS and helping them to set it up properly.
  13. I get this part of it, and I should tell you that I don't deal in leatherwork. I've joined as a hobby. I'm making the things I want and can't find anywhere. But as a tax licensee, I won't collect any tax that I'm not mandated to collect, and if I don't receive a levee notice from the state issuing the license, there is no liability on my part. Was there some 'Internet Sales Tax Bill (as in law)' that was passed in the last few years? I just can't imagine the legal mechanism that would require me to collect sales tax for another state. Like, really, if you're not in their state, they can't bring a charge against you even if you ship into their state. Tell me tru...
  14. My business concerns are licensed to collect sales tax. I have yet to receive proper notice from the taxing authorities (in my case: states) of a legal obligation to collect sales tax from buyers in other (states.) I know the big guys like Amazon & PayPal & eBay do it but that doesn't impact my business dealings. Am I just in one of those states? Would you be able to cite the actual federal law that you are asking about? Thanks
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