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  • Location
    Sanford, NC
  • Interests
    Pistol and Rifle shooting

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Cowboy Holsters & Cartridge Belts; other belt holsters and gunbelts
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    sewing and other leather machinery
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Internet search for "Adler sewing machines."

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  1. I was going to jokingly say that someone doesn't want us to take advantage of our right to keep and bear buckles, and then that "When buckles are outlawed, only outlaws will have buckles," but I won't. I believe that there is just a general slowdown in shipping and a lot of stuff is on back-order. I checked with my favorite vendor in Ramseur, NC, and was told that this was their problem. I drove the 40 miles to the store and about half of what I wanted was not there. Fortunately, I tend to stockpile when I can find those rare items, like the brass hooks associated with old leather rifle slings, such as for the 1903 Springfield. (Those were steel, by the way).
  2. Just completed a Skeleton Shoulder-Holster for a Remington 1875 revolver. I made some changes from my first holster of this type (for a 3 1/2? barrel Peacemaker) to include using softer leather for the harness itself. I "black-smithed" the cylinder retention clip from spring steel and covered it with light leather. Every time I make a holster of a different design, I find better ways to make it look, fit and function better. I'm going to turn around and make another one like this one with at least four separate modifications. I've heard it called a "Tombstone Shoulder Holster" and simply a "Skeleton Holster" and heard the dates of the originals back to the 1890s. There are several stories around about them. I call mine "Pinkerton Holsters" because I just think that they'd be a good thing for an undercover detective to carry. The photo is of my first skeleton holster for the "snubbie" Peacemaker. I carry it regularly. I don't have any more photos on this laptop!
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