I researched and purchased the Cowboy outlaw a couple weeks ago. I do a lot of venues with no power and making sheaths for blades by hand is a pain. Here is my review:
1. It is a solidly built machine. Cast steel and heavy brass, nothing lightweight about it.
2. The learning curve is not so steep that a non sewing, non leather worker couldn't figure it out.
3. It is temperamental if you are not aggressive on the up and down of the handle. 100% range of motion, anything less and you WILL get a jam.
4. The jams are easy to clear up.
5. There was no owners manual (at least with mine). But it was not to hard to figure out with YouTube and a little mechanical knowledge.
6. I have stitched almost 3/4 of an inch of leather together (three layers of 8-10 oz and a 8 oz canvas) with no problem (once I mastered point #3)
7. If you want to see the machine look on FB at TDY Blacksmith.
Hope this helps.