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    Search for info on Pfaff 545

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  1. Laether, thanks so much for the link to the Pfaff parts manual, and to UWE for the videos. I have owned a Pfaff 545 H4 for about 10 years now, only occasionally sewing on it for my sailboat and more recently auto upholtery. It is a very robust machine. I do have a question for anyone on the presser foot tension. Looking at page 34 of the parts manual, the tension adjuster is shown. There is the knurled adjusting screw, which goes into the 91-011 929-15 fitting that in turn goes into the top of the housing 91-010 676-15. Below those in the diagram are a small ring washer and the long spring. The question that I have is that the knurled adjusting screw touches nothing in the housing on my machine when screwed all of the way in. Having measured the depth from the top of the housing to the spring, there is still about a 1/2 inch gap between the top of the spring and the tip of the knurled screw when screwed all of the way down. I am guessing that there is a part missing on my machine between the spring and the adjusting screw that would compress the spring further as the adjusting screw is turned down. This lack of presser foot tension has not caused me too much of a problem so far. Maybe my ignorance to this point is bliss, and the machine would sew even better if the tension adjustment worked. Am I overlooking something here?
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