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Status Updates posted by BD13

  1. Nicely done restoration.

    What paint did you use on the restoration?

    1. gordond


      Excuse the delayed response (don't seem to get email alerts?)..

      Epoxy enamel - but not a 2 pot type which would be more desirable (but way too toxic with my limited spray paint set up).

      Just a fyi ..I would prefer overall to do a classic Japan Black ...I do have a 50lb bag of Gilsonite  ..heap of rosin ..linseed etc... But need a decent sized oven. And there is of course the recommended dose of alkyld driers .. litharge (lead based) or cobalt...this is where my interest faded..lol!

      If I had the oven-  I would switch to powder coating...and that has it's own issues.

    2. BD13


      Much appreciated.

      im currently doing a mild restoration and I’m thinking of an 2 part enamel.

      I like the idea of “after some use” areas of the paint will fade and wear. The patina giving the machine its own uniqueness.

      Wish me Luck!!!

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