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Everything posted by Gui

  1. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me identify what these pieces are called. I'm looking for these pieces for a wallet I'm putting together but not sure what these charm loops/metal rings and binding buttons are called. I've attached pictures for reference. Thank you in advance..
  2. Thanks for the input. I went to pick up some essential tools and some leather this morning at Tandyleather to get me started. I'll list what I got below. I still need to pick up a Chisel, mallet, needles, and thread to have all the minimum tools. Other than that I think I'm about ready to get into it? I'm considering a clamp that can attach on to my table but I guess I can decide on that later on. What I picked up at Tandyleather: Scratch Awl Saddlemaker's Groover Edge Beveler Multi-Size Slicker Adhesive Smooth Grain Leather
  3. Hi @Tugadude, Are the difference between the 3mm and 4mm the size of the hole it creates and would it better to get the set? I took a look at the list/link you provided for beginning tools but it seems to be a lot of different pieces so it's a bit overwhelming for me. Would it be recommended to get most of those or could I get by with just buying what I need to make a wallet first and build up my tools later on? I currently have a few tools from building plastic models such as knives, files, and self healing cutting mats. From what I see so far I'm think I would still need the following to make a wallet. But still not 100% confident nor know which brand I should be looking into for quality. Diamond Chisel Mallet Stitching needles Glue + Applicator Clamp Leather Thanks for the input again!
  4. Hi Everyone, I've been thinking about starting leather working as a new hobby since I'm home most of the time these days and wanted some pointers on what tools and materials I should get for making wallets and bags for my friends. I took a took at a few post before this and see that there are some specific recommendations but would love some more insight on what you guys would recommend or if I should look for some second hand tools to get a feel for it. At the moment I'm thinking of starting a project making an abrAsus small wallet I've seen online recently but due to shipping restrictions I'm unable to get my hands on one so I thought I'd knock out two birds with one stone. Thank you in advance for your input. Link: abrAsus Small Wallet https://srcc.store/products/abrasus-small-wallet
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