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    Miami, FL
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    leather craft

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  1. Thank you! Light to medium thickness mostly, not sure about heavy leather though. In priority order sorted by excitement level: Backpacks Purses Tool pouches Archery quivers Knife sheets Wallets Mike
  2. Good morning, new member is here. Originally from Russia, last 25 years resident of Miami Florida. Rekindling my love for leather after long period of just surviving/raising kids. Thank you everyone for creating/maintaining/contributing to this vault of knowledge, experience and wisdom. Mike
  3. Hello everyone! Getting back in to a magic of working with leather, slowly building a workshop. If anyone can help with exact dimensions for Cobra NP-10 skivong machine, I have a very tight place and will have to sacrifice some furniture to make room. Web search brought a very poor results, Tandy's site has weird numbers not matching images. Footprint and top width and length. Very much appreciate any help in advance. Mike
  4. Arturo, thank you very much for your reply! My 4800 should be here tomorrow, very excited! Best regards Mike
  5. Arturo, I have 4800 pro on order, would you please let me know if it comes with oil, or do I need to look ahead and purchase elsewhere. Thank you in advance Mike
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