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Posts posted by Campleathergoods

  1. 23 hours ago, CrankAddict said:

    Nice space!  That has to be a super cozy and inspiring place to work, especially in that beautiful part of the country.  The end of the video cracked me up (won't spoil it for others).   I noticed the cot too, is that the "if you're going to go out there again, just stay out there!" cot? haha

    LOL, you know its nice to have a backup plan, just in case. 


  2. On 9/29/2021 at 12:26 PM, johnnydb said:

    Nice personable video spot. Good music score running in the background. 

    It can run as a commercial promo on any channel poc.  It looks that professional. 

    Those are the good points and much can be said about doing that (most I've seen don't ever get those massively major points correct) 


    Here's the bad news...there is nothing in the spot to differentiate you and your work or show the style of custom work you do. Everyone makes wallets and keychains to pay the bills out of the scraps leftover from the custom pieces you make. But exactly what are the signature custom pieces you do?  Western style with ornate tooling or unique dyeing or high end leather like ostrich and eel or deer buckskin or more camping/utilitarian...maybe fine business class pieces or how about hats and costume pieces with bracers and armor.... maybe motorcycle leathers and saddlebags. 


    Lots of market segments to go after with your work. And where you are in the PNW...that just means that the neighbors won't whine about the pounding when you are working.  What the spot can use is what custom work you specialize in. (You can specialize in several areas). But a retail customer looking for fine business class portfolio or briefcase isn't going to look at someone who specializes in western saddle and tack with ornate tooling.  And currently your spot doesn't really say. I seen the wallet you had...looked just fine. But it doesn't really explain you. 

    Thanks for taking the time to watch and for all the feedback! greatly appreciated.


  3. On 9/14/2021 at 3:39 PM, kgg said:

    If I am not mistaken the Tandy Pro Master is the Sailrite with a Tandy Label on it. I think you may find using a top thread of V138 and also V138 in the bobbin is going to be difficult. You may have better success using V138 top and V92 in the bottom but this all depends on what type of leather and how thick. The machine will max out on a # 22 needle which is the min. size needed to sew with V138 in soft material. For tough or thick material you need to go up at least a needle size to give a little space so the thread can form a loop properly or you get skipped stitches. It really comes down to what you would like to sew.

    If you are liking the Sailrite line of machines I think their Fabricator would be a more overall robust machine. If availability of parts, accessories and build quality are the deciding factors by a Juki.

    Buy Once, Cry Once.



    Correct, the Tandy Pro Master is made by Sailrite, a lot of folks confuse this thinking that one is a copy of another. They are sailrite machines that they made specifically for Tandy.

  4. I have owned the Sailrite LS-1 and currently use the Sailrite Fabricator. I am a fan of both machines. I would say if you are going to stick with bags and smaller items you will be more than happy with this machine, but if you think you will stick with it, I would consider the Fabricator because of its larger working space for bigger items. The fabricator package is only $200 more than the leather machine and gives you much more workspace with all the power and slow control. 

  5. Just to clear the air as it seems some people here are embarrassed/offended That I would ask for help, Just to be clear the fundraiser is over and I met my goal of $4,500 in 11 days from friends/family and supporters of my small business. I am the sole owner crafter at Camp Leather Goods. 

    On 8/27/2021 at 7:41 AM, mike02130 said:

    A salesman that comes to your door is working for his money.  I think this guy is just plain sleazy asking for money on this forum.  If he were a war veteran with a disability I would be happy to support him.  As far as "just moving on", it's like a gruesome car wreck that one just has to take a look.

    My company is disabled veteran owned to make that clear to this guy. I served 5 years active duty US Navy Law Enforcement/Anti- terrorism and 2 years reserves. I only say that as clearly mike02130 clearly hasn't looked at my website, instead just chose to get agro and start slamming keys on his keyboard. I also offer a veterans discount on my website for my fellow veteran and active duty brothers and sisters.

    For anyone who chose to look at my fundraiser page, would have seen that I was rewarding funders with product from my shop for different pledge amounts. I feel that is far from "sleazy and begging."

    I do appreciate the support from those that stood up for my fundraiser, and they are right, if its not for you...then don't donate, I never asked for anything more.

    So call me what you will, that's fine. I will continue to move forward with my business offering the best products I can at affordable prices for everyone. 

    Take Care.



  6. On 7/24/2021 at 7:58 AM, Blackjack21 said:

    I spent years building the shop I have............buying my tools and equipment and never would dare to ask fellow crafters to fund the building of any of it. Shame on you.

    I think that is great that you bought all of your tools and equipment, what is wrong with me asking for help ? it was completely voluntary and people reached out and funded, I am very grateful. The times are different and we now have additional avenues to utilize. "Shame on you" is pretty rude, you don't even know me or anything about my leather craft journey/story. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Bawarrior said:

    I'm hoping this is a joke, because it feels like a scam.

    can I ask what part feels like a scam? its a voluntary fundraiser.

    7 hours ago, DustinSmith said:

    You'd probably get a much better response if you specified a reward and left out the part where you're trying to get a bigger shop for example start a kickstarter for wallets that you produce, show lots of pics of the product and then list 1 or 2 or 3 wallets depending on the contribution your backers pledge. Most people aren't going to pledge money to a kickstarter campaign unless they feel like they're getting something tangible out of it. The way you pitched it sounds more like a gofundme, just my humble opinion 

    if you look at the kickstarter page, I do have rewards. I do appreciate your opinion.

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