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About duckySews

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  1. HI! Been lurking for a while... Finally got my 111w155 set up and doing the once over and she is missing the same "Vibrating Presser Bar Thumbscrew" knob (on the top above the needle) and the spring and shaft too!!! She seems to sew just fine...do I really need it???? I can't really see how it puts more pressure on the needle foot. Thanks in advance! dc
  2. HI! I also posted this on another post...hoping to reach more people... Finally got my 111w155 set up and doing the once over and she is missing the same "Vibrating Presser Bar Thumbscrew" knob and the spring and shaft too!!! She seems to sew just fine...do I really need it???? I can't really see how it puts more pressure on the needle foot.
  3. HI! Been lurking for a while... Finally got my 111w155 set up and doing the once over and she is missing the same "Vibrating Presser Bar Thumbscrew" knob (same as VonL) and the spring and shaft too!!! She seems to sew just fine...do I really need it???? I can't really see how it puts more pressure on the needle foot.
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