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  • Interests
    leather dying and painting - making my own leather and suede dye.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    finer leathers
  • Interested in learning about
    How to make my own shades of color. How to get a professional finish.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Thank you. I will do that.
  2. Hi. Does anyone know where I can find combination heel toplifts with the similarly cut rubber portion (angled across) with no dovetail? Like photo, but not JR. I have several clients asking for this look. Thanks!
  3. Hi, I plan to swap these two belt straps, and I am new to working with leather. I plan to use a saddle stitch. Can anyone recommend what thread would match the original in terms of weight, text, size, brand, etc.? Also, I may end up dying the brown strap black at some point in the future, so non-synthetic thread that will take dye would be great. Thanks.
  4. I always hear that mixing Fibings and Angelus dyes has bad results. I am wondering what that result is? a color issues, bad chemical reaction, etc. Same for SUEDE dyes? I am wondering because I need to darken my only green suede dye (Angelus), and the Fiebings Suede Black just happens to lean green, and very similar to the hue I desire. It would be just perfect if I could add that instead of the Angelus Black which leans a totally different way. I tried a swatch and it seemed to work.. wondering if there really is a bad result, and is it something that would show up later?... like causing the dye to do weird things as it cures, etc... Thank you. I would love to hear from someone with first-hand experience. Thank you.
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