I just installed a Consew CSM-3000 servo motor on my Juki 1508N and fabricated a speed reducer for it. Everything is working fine, just the way I wanted it. The problem I am having is getting a new Needle Positioner to work. After I installed the NP it does nothing to position the needle, as if the control box doesn't recognize it. There is one page of instructions with the CSM-3000 motor that gives very little info about the control box. This is a newer control box than the one pictured on the Consew website, it has 4 buttons instead of the two shown. I've tried searching online, including the Consew site with no luck. Consew doesn't even list the CSM-3000 on their Resource Page. The little info I have found on an Upholstery forum indicates that the needle positioner is located in the menu as "U1", but that does not even show up when I cycle through the menu. Also the panel shows "U 13" for a brief time every time I turn it on and then shows the set speed... not sure if that is some error code or what? Everything else is working fine. Any help would be much appreciated.