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About FirebrandPaul

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 09/22/1976

Contact Methods

  • Website URL

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Yorktown Va.
  • Interests
    Leather working (obviously), family, firefighting, woodworking, and listening to absolutely brutal, heavy music!

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Public Safety strap goods
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything! Can never learn too much
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    On the webs

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About Me

I'm a Firefighter/Paramedic and one of the owners of "The Evans Fire Brand".  Have always liked working with my hands and have to keep my mind busy with projects I'm working on or wanting to work on as to keep my sanity.   I also love my wife and kids as well as tattoos and heavy brutal music!

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