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    Leather, tools and new projects

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    Wallets, bags and other misc items.
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    My own private research

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  1. I listen to podcasts. Been a long time listener of the "let's read" horror podcast. Also the "brohio" podcast is a good one.
  2. Tis all good. I'll probably just use my grinder freehand as well. A guide will have to come later. Thanks anyways
  3. I have made quite a few knives. I also have a couple prototypes for the style kiridashi. I also made a skiving knife. For almost all of them I used old lawnmower blades. Super strong steel and If I mess up the heat treat I can redo it. It requires a little more grinding but in my opinion it's worth it because you have basically any kind of knife you want while spending little to nothing on steel.
  4. Could you please post a picture of how it is used? I may just be daft but I can't visualize how one would use it. Thanks!
  5. Usually I just use any substantial piece of plain veg tanned I have laying around as I don't have any other uses for it. (I use mostly dyed and finished leathers but sometimes I'll buy a scrap bag for fun and I get some plain veg.) And also, to get the overly sharp edge I am obsessed with I have a buffer motor from harbor freight and after putting some compound on there it gets that edge sharper than anything else.
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