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  1. I have a near new Juki plc 1610 walking foot. has a new servo motor too. let me know if you are interested. James 248-821-1199
  2. Hey there, i have a near new Juki 6" post bed. its the plc-1610 walking foot, with built in bobbin winder. let me know if you are interested. James 248-821-1199

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Silverd


      Ph #?

      I really want and will at some point need the taller post version...but Im interested it seeing your machine.


    3. James850


      sorry, Silverd, i just saw this message. it sold early last week

    4. James850
  3. Hey friends, Im not sure if Im allowed to sell here, but here goes. I have to many machines... this one has to go I have a Consew 206RB-20 walking foot for sale. Unit has reverse. Stitches great. Just put a new servo motor on it, with a needle positioner. Im located in Detroit 48223. I am also open for trades. Looking for needle and awl machines Randall, Landis 3 or 16, Champion Deep throat, or Union . Send me a text or call James 248-821-1199
  4. Hi friends, I have two setups of these industrial tables with pneumatic lifts and Efka systems. I only needed the machine and table tops. I have no idea how to work these things. My loss your gain. Located in Detroit 48223. 248-821-1199 James. call or text with questions. $500 each setup
  5. Does anybody have a copy of a #3 manual Im new, forgive me, if 100 people have already asked this James
  6. Thank you guys for responding!!
  7. Hey friends, does anyone have drawings or plans to add reverse to a Class 7 machine? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Honored to be a part of your group James
  8. Hi, I need the two prong "cog" that spins the shuttle. Its connected to the main shaft. Its not really a two prong, but it has two protrusions. I also need the cast arm that goes back to in between two cams. It has a square protrusion that keeps it in line. As the machine sticks.. it goes up and down (the square thing)

    1. James850
    2. sbrownn


      Sorry but those are not extra parts that I currently have.  I could take them off of a working machine but then I would turn that working machine into a "parts" machine.

    3. James850


      Do you have a deep throat machine? I would just need the head. If so, how much?



  9. Hi guys/gals, I need a Champion deep throat Harness and shoe parts machine. Do you have any leads? Any parts laying around? I appreciate you even looking at this post. I am a newby, and could use some help James
  10. hey there, im getting my champion stitcher set up and ready. its not rebuild, but i went through it and fixed what needed to be. how are yours coming along?


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