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Everything posted by SaddleNoHorse

  1. Porter saddle owners can now go to www.nportersaddle.com to order the build cards by serial number (if they have it available)! I just happened across their website, and was so happy to see that they've set up a way to provide this service to the many Porter saddle owners who are trying to find out the history of their saddles. They charge a fee, but it is very reasonable considering that you're getting the history and details of your saddle that was built many, many years ago! I, for one, appreciate the effort that the Porter family is going to, in order for this information to continue to be available to Porter saddle owners!
  2. Hi BNEWTONP... I have a beautiful N Porter Phoenix AZ saddle #21327. If you are still looking up the build cards, I would love to find out any information it could provide. It's so nice of you to do this for all of us Porter saddle fans! So thanks in advance. Laurie W
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