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About MariaMS

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    Hokitika New Zealand
  • Interests
    Sewing machines, looms, printing machinery, spinning wheels, horse gear, costuming etc

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    making bridles
  • Interested in learning about
    Singer 7-5 and other harness machines
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  1. Interesting topic..... I have what I think is a Singer model 47 coming. Don't know the subclass as it went straight to storage and I can't see it in the pics. It currently has a roller foot, but I want to look into if I could get it darning. Was wondering if anyone has modified a domestic darning foot...... there are a few different ones that might work perhaps......
  2. Sorted. It turned out to be the usual things - grease was a bit dirty, but the main issue was lint and broken needles in between the feed wheel and the hook, and also a heap of thread wrapped around the base of the hook assembly! So the same issue as most of the domestics I've worked on, but just looked more complicated.
  3. A friend recently got given a bunch of machines, including a Pfaff 191-5. it looks like it has been sitting for a few years. The needle system and hook timing are now working fine, but then I noticed it was sewing in one spot..... it appears the drive shaft the runs the continuous wheel feed is not moving. If I hold the stitch selector button down, I can't move anything, and when I let it go it just disengages. I have doused the gear train in kerosene and PB blaster, and will let it sit for a few days. The worry is the condition of the shaft - to me it looks like an aftermarket part, and has blueing showing partway along..... would removing this shaft be the first step to track where it is jamming, or could there be something more obvious I am missing? I did open up the cover plate over the main vertical drive shaft to check, and the grease is not hard. Sorry I didn't take images of the top end, I can do that next time i am at the workshop.
  4. thanks for that- i had a quick look on their website, but contacting them is an option. You are totally right on the cost front. it may be another machine pops up in the future that I can gather parts from....... there seems to be all sorts hidden away in old sheds!! It will be interesting to see if it works as is - makes me wonder if the system was replaced with a standard presser bar. I am not that familiar with them as yet. Part of the issue with contacting Mayfar would be I haven't figured out the part numbers I'd need to ask about! I have the manual, but it is a bit tricky working out what the parts look like!!
  5. Hello! A friend recently acquired a Singer 31-19 as a tag along to a bunch of other machines. I've freed it up, just the bobbin case to clean and then I can check the timing and see if it will sew. Sadly it looks like most of the kick foot assembly is missing- see pics. It currently has a standard high shank foot instead. Does anyone know if such parts are still available? We are in New Zealand.
  6. those two pics are perfect, exactly what I need. I couldn't quite see it properly on your earlier image..... thanks heaps!!
  7. Just wondering if your 7-5 has a spring mechanism that returns the foot forward after is is pulled back by the action of the feed dogs..... the foot has a tiny hole in the back, and then there is the L shaped bit, as if there could be a compression spring on a pin nestled in there to do the job. Tried a coil spring and it worked great but restricts the movement backward. A ballpoint pen spring will be the net thing to try, but would like to see pics of what it SHOULD have in that spot...... and does the thread run through there, or should it come from the take up lever through the slot and skip the tab thing?
  8. I got another step further today - I had trouble with getting the tapered pin that holds the foot in place back in, and just had a thought that maybe I had the presser bar 180 degrees out.... so pulled it around and it went back together perfectly. I had a friend helping today and we developed a better take up spring. He also questioned why the foot wasn't travelling the whole distance, and we decided maybe there should be a spring in there too, so the foot can flick forward properly......got all that sorted and wow, we suddenly have perfect stitches!! If anyone has a 7-5, I'd love to see a pic of what the two springs actually look like LOL
  9. The Singer 7-5 has graduated from the intensive care ward onto her own bench. 2 oak headboards and what looks to be an old steel industrial sewing machine frame that was kicking about in the Engineering shop. Now I know it will look OK, I'll stick the frame into the electrolysis tank and give it a clean up. It is a good height for standing up at. This shows the machine with a single coat of rustoleum flat black. I'll probably do the frame in the same way, and leave the wood light coloured.
  10. Gordond helped me out and sent this (see "Singer 7-33 under restoration for the whole thing - I couldn't change the title, but it shows my rescue of the 7-5). I'll look up the Adler plate. This machine takes a 7x1 needle, is that the same as your Adler?
  11. Hi I'm still trying to get dimensions for the 7-5 needle plate so I can make one - I asked in a new post but no responses so far...... any chance you would have time to do a measure up and add to a photo? We managed to make one OK but I think the needle hole was maybe a bit small (1.5mm) and was super close to the edge, which may mean I need to adjust the feed dogs more to the left to get a bit more of a margin so the hole can be a bit bigger.... I ended up breaking the needle as the tip caught the edge.
  12. We managed to get a plate roughed out, but the needle hole looks closer to the inside edge than it should be, which could be to do with the feed dog adjustments. I noticed today there is a slight slop sideways, so I will have a go at adjusting them slightly further left, which would give more metal between the edge of the plate and the needle hole. 2 questions, what size is the needle hole usually, and does anyone have a plate they could measure up for me? it would make a repeat plate a bit quicker to make.....
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