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Everything posted by Apacheleatherworker

  1. Thank you I will keep you posted on how it's going and if I run into any problems
  2. I will be hand sewing this saddle stitch. I am going to be receiving a leather hide and it's 12 to 13oz. When I receive the hide what part of the hide would be best to cut my breast collar out. The back,shoulder etc.
  3. I want to make some guitar straps for a customer and flank cinches and tapaderos. I am still deciding on what design carving I want to make, since this breast Collar will be fot myself. I am going to use Tandy's breast Collar template.
  4. A roping breast Collar is what I'm planning. I'm not going to line it because I am going to be ordering a 13 oz skirting.
  5. I was wondering what part of a skirting leather side would be good to use for making my own breast Collar? Also any tips or advice would be appreciated.
  6. I'm going to be making my own western horse breast Collar. Now I'm going to use a 12 to 13 oz weight or saddle skirting. It's going to be a full side. Now my question is, What is the best part of the hide to use in making my western horse breast Collar? Any other tips or advice will be appreciated as well.
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