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Everything posted by BrissyTrimmer

  1. I just want mine working well, but you're starting to make me feel guilty for not prettying it up too! Seeing your solution for the dog bone has certainly made me more confident that I can make it fit my machine too, so again, thank you for your information and inspiration. I've bookmarked the posts recommended by yourself and jimi for future reference, and I'll post more pictures as I progress.
  2. Thanks for that, I've ordered the dog bone shaft for the feed roller from Ali, it's meant for the 801, so fingers crossed it fits, otherwise, some modifications may be necessary.
  3. I like the look of that one Constabulary, and if mines the same, I seem to be missing some more parts. I have been looking for the shaft that runs off the side of the feed roller.
  4. Thanks for that Jimi. Yes, I had seen that post, and have saved the pictures of the parts breakdown for future reference. I actually think that my machine is a clone of the one pictured in this thread: Mine has the 34mm feed roller, so possibly the v34? I have found a Fortuna the exact same as mine, but the casting has model 19 cast into it on the arm beside the Fortuna script.
  5. Good morning David, I know that this is an old thread, but I was wondering (if you're still active on here and see this) whether I may be able to get a PDF copy of the manual. I believe my machine to be a clone of the v34 machine, and the manualwouldbe a great help. Thanks in advance. Regards Noel
  6. Constabulary, that would be very much appreciated, thank you. After a partial disassembly, all tarnished parts or those with surface rust were decreased and put into a vinegar bath for about 16 hours, then rinsed and polished with a green scotchbrite. Then everything was re greased and oiled before reassembly. I'll give all unpainted surfaces a quick buff with wax to prevent further corrosion while keeping as much of the original look as possible. I love the look of the copper oil covers! Also, the old direct drive motor has been replaced with a clutch motor removed from below a Juki LU-563 I picked up yesterday. Tomorrow I'll make up a urethane belt to the correct size, then start I'll probably start fabricating a new cover plate for the bell if I can find some thick enough stainless sheet in my scrap pile. I ended up just making a pattern myself as I think I have two chances of finding the correct part; none and eff-all! I'd still like to identify it if possible anyway, if just for curiosities sake.
  7. New member here, just introduced myself on another post, but I'm asking for some help in identifying this skiving machine. I have replaced the table, but took these pictures before I started disassembling the machine a little to remove the surface rust and get it into working condition again. As you can see, the makers tag has been removed at some point in its life, but there is a serial number stamped into the head. It is missing the cover for the bell knife, so I figured identifying the machine would be the first step in chasing up the correct part. The only name I have found is Fortuna on the bell itself. Also, as part of the rebuild process, I'm planning on replacing the motor with a sewing machine clutch motor, so if anyone has any advice on doing so, that would be great too! The machine is running as is, but it's NOISY. Also, if anyone knows where I might be able to find a manual for this machine (tough ask, I know), I'd love to get a hold of one so I can keep this old girl better maintained into the future. Thanks in advance. Noel
  8. Noel here from Brisbane's Northside, thanks for accepting me. I own and operate a custom motor trim shop, started with an apprenticeship in 98. Am hoping to learn a bit of tooling, not as part of my work, but more for fun.
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