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Everything posted by RVacc

  1. I guess the best way i can describe it is it works as a moveable adhesive. I know it sounds odd to use but that is the way they have done it for the last 90 years, while trying to get them to move to a different product im also trying to find a way to salvage ones that have been stained if possible
  2. Do you know where i could find a machine for blade sharpening or is there a good way to DIY the machine?
  3. there is nothing to prevent it from happening again sadly. it has been used in the products for over 90 years and it doesnt happen all of the time but when it does we have to remake, i wasnt sure if there was a way to pull it from the leather or not to remove the stain.
  4. You are correct it is the cosmoline grease. We adapted it to our products, it does great holding the leather together while still allowing the material to move slightly when in use. only problem is sometimes it soaks through the leather to the appearence side. Its worse when it is hotter out.
  5. The machine in question is a 132-14 model. It was purchased new and is has roughly 18 months of use on it. We purchased this model due to it having interchangeable cutting shafts. We run 4 different shafts for varying widths of materials. a few blades wont be a big expense however total amount that we use make it quite a substantial purchase in regards to blades. I have never heard of Sieck of Germany i will have to look them up. Thanks
  6. I don't have pictures of the product, I had to sign an NDA that wont allow me to upload them. The use of cosmoline is to adhere the flesh side of 2 leather components together. This allows them to stay formed but leaves movement for when it is being used. It is applied on the inside of the product before it is sewn closed.
  7. I used Cosmoline inside of some of my products. Recently i noticed a dark stain from the cosmoline on the leather after submerging the leather in water. Is their anyway to pull the stain out or am i doomed to have to remake it?
  8. Yes i did resize the images i was trying to upload, it worked for 3 of them for some reason the rest wouldnt load. It kept telling me that it exceeded the size but i had already taken them from 2.5mb down to 750 kb and it still wouldnt let me load them so i just entered the diameters through the text.
  9. Pictures dont all want to upload. outer dimensions are 2.75" or 70mm. Inner dimensions are 35.32mm or 1.39 inches. any help would be greatly appreciated
  10. Hello, I run a leather stripper made by campbell randall. I use it for many different things and go through quite a few blades. I have ordered new blades from campbell randall in the past but they can get pretty pricey with the ammount that i use. Does anyone know where i may be able to source blades of this size in the pictures? Thanks,
  11. Im running a Consew 287 RB 2. There is a ringing coming from behind the door on the side of the head. Its not constant and only starts when you start sewing fast. When walking the machine there is no ringing. Has anyone ran onto this issue before? It is currently not affecting how the machine is running but it is something that i have yet to run into so i am a little stumped. Thanks,
  12. I dont believe our conditioner is analine specific. The leather hasnt been sitting for 5 years. We have been using this leather for 5 years and have never run into this issue before. hard to pinpoint the climate as texas likes to change its weather daily
  13. We condition the leather once the product is complete. we have tired leather softener before turning it but to no avail.
  14. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Some of my products are 3 seperate pieces of leather sewn with welting together with one closed end. They are sewn inside out and i have to turn them right side out for the finish side of the product to be on the outside. I have run into an issue lately where one of my leathers has been cracking/tearing in the turning process. I have used this leather for years and this is a new problem i have run into. All my leathers are analine and this specific leather is a very soft finish to it but i just cant figure out why it is cracking/tearing now after 5 years of use. To turn the pieces i insert a rod into the open end of it and brace the tip against a second rod and roll the leather down to get it to turn right side out.
  15. The thickest part that will be sewn is 7.5-8mm between leather and welting. I was curious do they make machines that have a wheel inside of the assembly instead of a feed dog? or do all machines have a feed dog and the presser foot is replaced with Roller foot. The thread itself will always be 135.
  16. All, I am looking for a specific style of sewing machine but have had no luck finding it. I am looking for Cylinder Arm Machines with side mount bobbin that have a Roller Wheel set up instead of a walking foot. For context i am sewing 511/2 oz-6 oz leather with 135 thread. Can anyone point me in the direction of where i might find these machines. we are looking to switch over to this style from flatbed sewing machines. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rick
  17. We have recently run into an issue with our products. As you can see in the pictures the stitches are "pulling" showing all of the stitch holes and thread. The product is constructed inside out and then turned by hand to show the finished leather. My issue is for many many decades we did not see this issue. Any advice on how to remedy this would be much appreciated. I am not sure if it is an issue with our leather, machines, or if it is causes by the person using the sewing machine. Thanks, Rick
  18. I have used a few different places to order new parts for our machines. The main outlet is Universal Sewing Supply. My issue with them is we almost always get the wrong parts first then have to send back and wait for them to send the correct ones. We have been experiencing tension issues and loose stitches that loop away from the material. I am trying to find a reliable source for machine parts. We run Juki 1508 an Consew 255RB-2. Are there different levels for machine parts? For example the tension spring on your bobbin and on your thread tension knob. Are there heavier duty versions of them? The ones we get seem to not hold their strength very long and I have a feeling that is why we are seeing so many tension issues right now. Thanks, Rick
  19. Does the needle size for leather vary between Juki and Consew? we have both machines so im trying to cover all bases.
  20. I will look into different needles. We are currently having a problem with stiches and stitch holes pulling and showing on turned pieces. the only 2 things i can think of is either the needle or that it is an issue with out leather.
  21. Thread: A&E T-135 bonded Needles: Schmetz 135x17 130
  22. TO start let me say that myself and my lead mechanic have both given this machine the once over. Its a Juki LU-1508-N. I am not sure what is causing it to skip. we have retimed the hook and needle and by the shafts, new needles, we have replaced the hook and nothing seems to be working. Could a spool of thread that is wound too tight be the cause of it? The leather we sew is not very thick it vaires from 3 oz to 6 oz. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
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