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  • Interests
    leather, bag making and wallet

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    braiding, hand sewing,
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  1. thanks, some friends reach out we got it fix back then, but my message was not removed or marked done. thanks
  2. Hi, I need some infos, I have a cylinder arm (GC2603 Typical), I got it used and it was installed on a regular table, no belly cut. While it works for most my sewing I recently started to use metal frames in my bag. The problem is I can not turn the bag around the free arm as it is about 6 inches over the surface of the table. I either want to cut a 14 x 14 belly on my table or cut it completely so my arm is really free. Then I will need to cut my k legs support bars to fit the new width, re-install the leg, move the knee lift and probably other things... So do you know a place I could get either a pedestal or a half size table already mounted on stable legs. Any other ideas are welcome, by the way, I am in Canada.
  3. Hi, I bought a Typical GC2603, (used and i have it for more than a year now) the knee lift got undone, and i tried to look it up and I can not find any info. So if someone can help me, any info would be appreciated. thank you
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