Thanks for replies. Yeah, I use a metal thing that looks like a fork that I pound holes clean through the leather and never use an awl. I call those pricking irons and am most likely calling them the wrong thing. Lol. It's hard to use those when assembling a messenger bag etc with briefcase gussets.
With all this said, maybe these type pliers aren't really a thing in leather working and I just need to learn the right way to get holes in those tricky gussets. I ran an awl into my hand, thumb, etc few times trying to keep the leather from separating while pushing the awl through etc so googled for some different options and saw the pliers. Couldn't find them on Barry King or any other "name" leather tooling supplier and had found the same Chinese pliers you had linked. I also may just buy some decent quality tools and weld up my own punch-pliers and see if they work. Lol. Thanks though for taking the time to try to help.