Hi kgg
On my Seiko STH-8BLD-3,, stock hand wheel ,60mm pulley on Fesm 550,3450rpm servo. Dial for rpm set at 650 ,it has one more click to 350 , but motor doesn't work in that position. Any suggestions on how to make that work at lowest rpm? I ordered a 45mm pulley should be here next week.
Did a dog collar, 3 layers of polyester webbing and noticed machine kinda struggling to get up and go ,that's when I started reading about heavier handwheel and larger pulley on the handwheel with smallest 45mm servo pulley.
Looked into speed reducer box but won't fit under table because of T-table cross brace is 6 3/4" below motor. Also liked box style for easy tilting back Head.But not in budget at the moment. I just bought a Juki LU-562 with reverse and bought a servo, I think that has a 45mm pulley on motor and to keep at girlfriends house for awhile to do some awning projects.
Thought the older handwheel trick with the built in larger diameter pulley would be a less expensive way of going now,found on web for $45 plus price of belt. I am very mechanical inclined and would like to try this on the Juki.
Also have talked to other member here about installing 6" sheave/Pulley on head to slow it down a bit. I think that would be slow enough. Someone mentioned more weight on upper pulley for better punching power thru thicker material also .
Please read what Gregg from Keystone was talking about . Sad he passed away .I had bought my Seiko from him.