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  1. I hide in the shadows until someone comes by to check if I'm sitll alive.. then I bite their face off! Delicious. I suppose the arrangement of my bag is a little weird, it's not a man-purse type bag but more like a backpack combined with a hip bag. The "hip bag" part is going to be where I'm carrying my survival kit if you will and the back is a large all-purpose bag for carrying things I don't neccesarily always carry with me. I think I'm going to put on some kind of umbrella holster too. I've got a sort of padded shoulder pad on the strap where my shoulder is (obviously) and I think I might want some where the bag rests on my hip too.
  2. It's basically just going to be my everyday bag. I have a backpack now that's got all this stuff, but I have to take it off to get at anything.
  3. I don't post here often, blame my anti-social tendancies, but I've decided to this time. I'm working on a project for myself, as the title may have lead you to beleive, it's a Super Bag. Basically, it's a bag that'll have everything I could ever possibly need; Water bottle, pocket knife, flashlight, disinfectant and bandages for falls and spills, nail clippers. (I always notice they need clipping when out and about) It will even have a bag for carrying things in! Groundbreaking, I know. What sort of things can you suggest for a Super Bag, or what sort of things would you need to have on yours?
  4. Not enough love for the bone bead belt! The braided on is nice and all, but I like the beaded on more. Especially those three odd ones in the middle, that's a nice touch.
  5. We all have our own little rituals we do when we do leatherwork, I'm sure. I'm interested in hearing some of what you guys do! For me, I like blasting my music really loud (so I can sitll hear it while hitting things. :D) and lighting some incense. It really let's me tune out the world at large and I jsut sit in my room, me and the leather. Sometimes I eat my lunch in my room while doing work.
  6. Prince George, eh? I have some family out there. :D Trial and error is really the best way to learn. Or at least, it's the most fun way to learn! Good luck with your future projects!
  7. Thanks, Rick. I've drawn up a couple of plans, and I think I found one that will work. Now I just need some of those snap buckle things... What are those even called, anyways?
  8. So I've been toying with the idea of some kind of back mounted "sheath" for my longboard, so that when I'm getting around and need to use my feet for walking (i.e. going off the path or going indoors etc. How lame is that?) I can still have both my hands free. At first, I was thinking just some straps that I could throw around the trucks (the wheely dealies) and sling it over my back, but that would be uncomfortable and most likely get my back really dirty from whatever dirt just happens to be on the board. Then winter happened and I haven't used my longbord for months and I left the idea alone, but now winter is coming to and end and as soon as the snow melts I am going to start rolling around again, so I figured I should get on my ass and get some planning done. I've decided I'm going to go with a sort of leather backpack/sheath. I'd have a fairly wide panel at the back to keep the board from getting my clothes dirty with a little boot at the bottom to stick one end of the board into with something at the other end to keep the board from bouncing around too much or falling off. The part I am having trouble with is thinking up something to put at the top of the sheath; it basically just needs to be a little strap but I want it to be strong enough to keep a long, wooden plank (essentially) from moving around a lot but still be able to do/undo easily with one hand so I can actually get the board off my back when I want too. I'm stumped so, any ideas? I was thinking one of those plastic snap-buckles that you see on backpacks (Looks like a fork, fits into another receiver and you press the sides in to get it out again) but I'm scared those might be too flimsy. My board isn't really heavy but it's still a fairly large plank of wood and has some heft to it.
  9. Facebiter


    I know I've got to get a camera ASAP. I haven't needed one up until now. Good thing I've got friend who are a lot more photographic than I am... xD I'm from Calgary, Alberta. How's the weather over the Rockies? I hear it's pretty nice. I think we're finally getting some springtime. :D
  10. Facebiter


    Well hello there from sunny western Canada. I've been doing leatherwork for a few years now as a hobby, I got started just out of high school and fell in love with it. It's really quite an amazing past time and good for stress relief too. I mean, you get to hit things with a mallet! Up until recently, it has been just a hobby for me; just making small odds and ends for my friends and myself, but since I lost my job in december (Hurray for slave driving managers!) and have been having a hard time finding a new one (one that's not paying minimum wage to stand in front of a fryer and ruin my already bleak skin, anyways) I've started doing it as a source of income. So far I've made $20. :D For the past three or four years that I've been doing leather I've mostly just screwed around and figured things out on my own (Except for a period where I worked at a Tandy store and learned what all the tools are actually for!) but now that I'm trying to actually MAKE money I figured I should socialize a bit more with the leather community. Who knows what new ideas it will bring me. :D I would post some pictures of some of my older works if I weren't terribly embarassed at the amateur workmanship I used to produce. I'll have to find a camera and take some pictures of some of the things I am actuall proud of. Well, I've rambled on long enough. Nice to meet all of you! Let's let that creativity juice flow!
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