NEW Techsew SK-4 Leather Skiving Machine with Built in Enclosed Vacuum System
I purchased this skiver from TechSew USA for $2695.00.
The technician gave me some pointers on how to use an adjust the bell, sharpen and general use of the machine.
I have tried to use the machine twice, finding it way too big for me, with the technician on the phone and have given up. It’s a gorgeous machine, brand new, except for the five minutes that I used it in with the built-in, vacuum system and table, it really is a complete unit and would be a great machine in any leather workshop.
Skives light and medium leather up to 8oz
Up to 2" skiving width per pass
Adjustable skiving width
Integrated blade sharpener
Space saving table - only 33.5" wide
Includes assembled table and adjustable speed servo motor