Hi to all,
I am quite new to forums, so hope this will reach any one who may help please,
A few years ago I got hold of a couple Singer class 7 one was a 7-33 and the other a double needle Singer class 7, I think ,
I now decided to take a good look at the Double needle one, and check its functions, as its been under cover in my garage waiting to be worked on, but I only have limited knowledge with sewing machines, I need to call upon people with a lot more experience in this field than I.
After placing oil on all moving parts again as I have done through the year` there seams to be an issue, or a few I think"
When turning the hand wheel, there`s a point where its stiff then loosens up, then I noticed a few things under close inspection, There is a scraping shiny mark on the Cam thread take up in the grooved area about a inch long , And at the back of the machine is the another shiny scrape mark on the Connection feed forked . But it was about 7 mm in length and 2 mm in width but seems to of nearly gone now after me rotating the wheel, trying to find out the issue`s, but I will still show as it may be significant to some one. These two issues obviously must be rubbing at them points,and I don`t know why,
The other issues is on the needle assembly thread take up leaver , I notice when slowly turning the hand wheel round there`s a certain point the thread take up leaver stays stationary even though every thing else is rotating,
The Cam thread take up will rotate about a inch before the needle assembly take up leaver moves again, this will happen at the point where the shuttle hooks would be passing the scarf of the needles, just as the shuttle hooks grab the loops from the needles, So I don`t know whether that is normal, for non movement at that point of the needle take up leaver,
Also I had just noticed that both sides of the Driver shuttles start to rub up close to the plate above as they move to a certain point ,I will show in the photos pointing with screw driver showing a gap then showing there`s no gap at a certain point,where I feel it slightly may rub,
So first two photos are showing the long mark in the cam thread take up,
third photo shows shiny part of metal where on the connection feed forked
Next two photos show the gap then no gap on the shuttle drivers,
And the last two photos show the double needle Singer class 7 I think, if any one knows what class it may be it would be nice to know