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  1. The brother ls2 b837-A300 is a more up to date version with ubt ( under bed thread trimmer and a servo motor I am selling my brother ls2 b837 if any one interested it’s in the uk tho ! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285887699558?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=gm-FP6njR1G&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=gm-FP6njR1G&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. Hi folks can anyone help me source a manual for the brother ls2 b837 i have found one for the b837 -A300 but it’s not the one am after I want the manual for the standard Mk 1 machine any links would be great I am happy to pay if anyone can share there hard copy and scan it to pdf ? also has anyone had any experience with the cheap Chinese rotary hooks off eBay for this machine ? kind regards simon
  3. Ah no worries Sark9 i have the parts list already been looking for a manual or service manual but it’s just not available on the web as far as I can see ive looked everywhere thanks for getting back any how
  4. Hi sark9 did you have any joy finding the manual ? would you be up for scanning it if you can find it ? I would be happy to pay for your time regards simon
  5. Hello sark9 do you have a paper copy of the Mitsubishi cu 865? Manual ? would love to get a copy if anyone knows any resources to get it
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