It was our local country show yesterday, Saturday 23rd, and as always, I enter some of my wares in the 'Handicrafts' section in the exhibition shed. I'm the only leather exhibitor. ( I'm the only leather worker in my town and the next).
I normally only enter 2 exhibits, I entered 3 this year.
This year, I entered a carved Ladies fashion belt, with a Rose design on a black background, , and machine stitched with white thread.
The second entry, is a handbag, modified to the clients requirements,a tri-weave tooled design with Oak leaves & acorns with simple lacing, and a gilt clasp.
The third entry , was a re-creation of a custom cartridge belt that I made earlier this year.
The owner was kind enough to let me borrow it and enter it in the show.
To my surprise, the cartridge belt came 1st, and with a blue 'Most Outstanding Exhibit' ribbon. draped over it.
The handbag came 2nd, and the Rose belt came 3rd (it. actually called "Highly Commended", same diff) .
My only...,'gripe' , was later next day with a comment from one of the stewards, in regards to the cartridge belt.
"O'h what such lovely machine stitching"
"It was all handstitched !!!!" " It was also clearly stated in bold lettering on the entry form!!"
They only need to look at the back to see where I've gone a bit off course a few times with my awl, .....and the odd blood stain. ( 'Humanity stitches' I call them)
I was a tad insulted.
geez...some (uneducated) people eh ??...
Anyway, apart from that I came away a very happy man, and the owners of the bag & the cartridge belt are VERY pleased.
All the best ,HS