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LC & SJ leather portrait carving contest

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In the May/June 2007 issue, The Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal announced a leather portrait carving contest to be held at the Southwest Leather Worker's Trade Show in Wickenburg, AZ.

This announcement was in the pattern pull-out section along with the patterns for the contest, so you may have missed it if you didn't check out that section. The patterns for the contest were drawn by Bill Gomer, Al Stohlman award winner and master saddle maker. The patterns are of a mules head, two mules heads, and a perched eagle. Contestants will compete for prize money:

$500 1st place Mule's head

$400 1st Place Eagle

$400 2nd Place Mule's head

$300 2nd Place Eagle

$300 3rd Place Mule's head

$200 3rd Place Eagle


Each enty must be done entirely by one individual

Entries must be carved and stamped on standard veg-tanned, stamping leather

Must be carved same size as pattern in pattern pull-out section of May/June 2007 issue

All carved and stamped/tooled surfaces must be colored or stained

Background scenery is encouraged

Framing not necessary, but contestants are welcome to frame thier entries

Entry fees are $25 per person per carving

Contestants can enter one project per pattern

Winners will be announced at the show's banquet Thursday evening. The orignal announcement stated that contestants must be present to win, but that was changed due to popular demand. Shipping fees and insturctions for you completed carvings are avaiable upon request.

Registration form and fee must be postmarked by Wednesday February 13th, 2008

Entries must be present at the show for judging by Monday March 3rd, 2008, 5PM

For more information, contact the Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal at 222 Blackburn Street, Rhinelander, WI 54501-3777 or call 715 362 5393. Email Journal

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I do not have that issue (my subscription expired when I was laid off ::( ) I do happen to have some Bill Gomer patterns I bought from him a few years ago that sound like the ones you mention. The eagle is perched in a tree with foliage. It measures about 16" h x 10.5" w. The single mule is about 17-18" h x 13.5" w. The double mule is about 13"h x 13.5"w. How does this compare to what was in the magazine. I'll try to order the back issue. I'm missing some 05-07 issues.


Edited by Mike

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That sounds like the same patterns, I am not sure of the sizes, will have to measure them. I'll get back to you though.

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Thanks, in the meantime I ordered some of the issues I am missing. I'm not sure when I'll get them.

Any rules about embossing? I cannot tell if the originals were embossed. The photo does show evidence of wrinkles in the leather which may or may not mean anything.


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It didn't say anything about how the pattern could or couldn't be carved so I am guesing you can do what ever you want. If you want to be sure, email Dave at the Journal and ask him.

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I dug out the patterns, and the sizes look to be the same as what you have. It says they have to be carved to EXACT SIZE- NO EXCEPTIONS, so you you probably want to get the patterns from them just to be sure. There aren't any picture of what they look like carved, just the patterns. The patterns sure look like they would be suited for a lot of embossing and cutting or lifting if you are into that sort of thing.

The other thing is to make sure if you want to enter the contest you are registered by February 13th. There is a form on the pullout section or you can call 715 362 5393.

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