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batik on leather

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I recently saw this effect on a website for a leather dimensions workshop. It stated that it was batik on leather and would be interested if anyone knows how to get this effect.




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If I recall correctly, batik is a process of dyeing fabric using a wax resist. So, I would expect you could do it on leather very much the same way it's done on fabric. That example looks like they may have just used a drip/spatter to create their resist pattern. I don't imagine one would do the knot tying in leather that one does in fabric for creating patterns.

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I just happened to have found a book on the subject of batiking leather on eBay awhile back. It's very interesting. According to its authors (Larry and Pat Raynak, and Luciano), batik is made from melting some candle wax and some bees wax, then mixing in spirit dye.

The liquid dye-laced wax is then applied to the surface of the leather by a variety of different methods, depending upon what kind of a pattern you're interested in.

The wax is allowed to cool and harden. Then the leather is flexed to crack and loosen the hardened wax, making it easy to gently scrape off the leather.

You can make second and third applications of the batik for multiple colors.

Once the wax is removed, what's left behind are permanent (more or less) dye stains in the leather, then it's sealed.

The book includes much more detail than this - this is just the "executive summary". I'd be happy to share any details you are interested in.


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Thought I'd better throw in a quick disclaimer, here...

Since spirit dye is notoriously flammable, and this process involves heat, please use extreme caution when trying this at home, kids. :fire:


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