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One more rifle sling

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When I started making these, I cut out an extra one in case I screwed up. I decided to go ahead and make one more, this one without a name.



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When I started making these, I cut out an extra one in case I screwed up. I decided to go ahead and make one more, this one without a name.

"The Sling with No Name" opens Friday at the Empire Theater, Baggs, WY ... lol ... couldn't resist that one Clay.

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Johanna, is there a way to enlarge the text on the photos or change it. That font is impossible for my old eyes - even though they're now 20/20. I went to View and my largest print but it doesn't touch it. Clay the carving looks good and I appreciate you sharing, but I know not what you wrote. OK ... I'll quit whining and find something else to complain about. Again, thanks for sharing your hard work. Regards, ~Bill

Edited by Billsotx

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Hi Bill,

I am lots better at carving than I am with computers. Yours isn't the only complaint about the font. When I decided to see if I could do this, my kids said I could just use the Paint program on my computer. I don't know if there is a way in that program to change the font, or the font size. I am open to suggestions from anyone more knowledgable than me as to a better program to use. I would be happy to do more tutorials like this if there is any interest so any help in making them better would be appreciated. I will be happy to redo this one too if someone tells me how to do a better job of it.

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It's probably not worth the trouble to change. I no computer wizard either. In Paint when you draw in you text box it should display a tool bar that allows you to change the font type and the point size. I'd go for something sans serif, like Arial, if it were me. It's boring, I suppose, but it reads pretty easier than those busy he-ro-graphic ol' script things. Maybe during one of her breaks between cups of coffee, an afternoon beer and a couple of cigars Johanna can wave her magic wand over it ... lol! Just kiddin' Johanna. I know you're busier than a hot cat on a tin roof. I'd leave this one alone, Clay, and maybe try another font on the next one. I'm not much of a carver, but I've learned a couple things just lookin' a your pix. When I slow down in a couple of hours, I'll come back and ponder that script and learn some more.

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Hi Bill,

All it took was for me to read some directions in the help file to get it figured out. I will redo the comments with a better font. Might have to wait until the weekend, but I will get it done as soon as possible.

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Hi Bill,

All it took was for me to read some directions in the help file to get it figured out. I will redo the comments with a better font. Might have to wait until the weekend, but I will get it done as soon as possible.

Sssshhhhhh ... we don't want the ladies to know that men never read instructions until they get into trouble ... lol! ... I don't need a map. I'm not lost, I'm right here!

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