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Sewing in zippers

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 Can someone guide me to a tuterial on how to sew zippers into leather that has rounded corners? My first attempt was going real well but it didnt line up properly 




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My second attempt went better but the zipper was still wrinkly and wavy.

I have thought about using zippers on my notebooks but dont want to spend days tooling it out just to have a retarded looking zipper.




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The leather work looks really good, but I can see the problem with the zipper.

Admittedly I only replace zippers in riding boots, so I haven't made them on a "round object like yours". But what I have learned over time is that if the zipper needs to bend around a curve it greatly helps to make a bunch of small cuts in the fabric of the zipper where the curve is going to be.

Also when installing the 2nd side of the zipper, it is easy to stretch either the leather or the zipper a bit more than on the first side. (used riding boots are probably more soft than a new piece of leather)

So a tip here is to start by marking your zipper for say every 3-4" with something like a silver coloured marker or a pencil etc. Just leave the zipper closed and mark out on the fabric all along its way.
Next you make the same marks on the leather. from start to end. Since your shape is so curved I'd might use a divider to step off the distance. 
When you sew in the zipper, check that the markings on the zipper and those on the leather match in pairs. It is OK that there is a difference between the leather marks and the zipper marks, as long as the difference is the same on both sides. (If the left side zipper is lagging 3/8" behind the next mark on the leather, then the right side zipper should be lagging by the same amount)

I use double sided tape to hold my zippers in place before sewing, that can help a bit too, and it will let you check the markings and rearrange a bit in case that is needed before doing the actual sewing.

God luck.

Brgds Jonas


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For my one experience with sewing a zipper, my double stick tape did not hold so I used a light coating of Barge cement.  I was told that this basting tape works well for zippers and will try it next time.  https://www.wawak.com/garment-construction/tapes/basting/wawak-hyperstik-super-strong-double-sided-vinylleather-basting-tape-clear/#sku=tpe14


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On the first one,the ends didn't match up. The second one matched up but the zipper was wrinkled and wavy,  im looking for the picture. The second one I was using your marking technique. 


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