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recovering the vinyl seat on motorcycle with leather

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Hello all I'm new to this site. I was directed here from another site with hopes you can help me. I have working leather since I was 14, 34 now and have finally moved from the just getting by to have a decent set of tools.

Recently I was approached by a person I work with about recovering the vinyl seat on motorcycle seat and replacing with leather. What do I do for a pattern short of cutting apart his?

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Hi Johnny,

It is a lot easier if you are working with the seat pan but not impossible if you just want to cover the vinal.

With seat pan you foam and contour the pan then make a pattern. If you have the customer fanny it makes it easier to coutour the foam. If you are going to make a twin in leather of what's already there then you can pull the cover off the seat and work with the cover as a pattern. It is a little harder to make a cover over the old cover and have it come out right, but possible I guess.

To make the pattern, take some brown paper like grocery bag stuff, it should stand-up to some pulling and folding, and basically cover the seat making darts as required to take-up excess that you will have going around corners and the contours, taping the darts down and cutting excess until you have a piece of paper that when you untape it from the seat you can lay out and that is your pattern. If you are going to lace then you should mark the top/bottom cut line while you have the pattern taped to the seat. Do the holes when you get the pattern off the seat.

I haven't done a ton of MC seats but I have done a lot of boat and auto canvas and upholstery, you just have to take your time and fit everything. Use 5oz/6oz or less till you have done a few.

We have a few guys here that are way into MC seats and they can tell you a lot more about this that I have not mentioned. It is a lot easier to watch and help someone do one or two before reinventing the wheel a few dozen times doing them yourself.

Did that answer your question?


Hello all I'm new to this site. I was directed here from another site with hopes you can help me. I have working leather since I was 14, 34 now and have finally moved from the just getting by to have a decent set of tools.

Recently I was approached by a person I work with about recovering the vinyl seat on motorcycle seat and replacing with leather. What do I do for a pattern short of cutting apart his?

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that's a good start on how too go about it. if you have any specific questions, i may be able to help

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