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Differences in types of lace

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I'm curious about what the difference is in the various "types" of lace, and what application there is for each type.

There is a significant difference in price between latigo, suede, buckskin, and regular cow lace. Thus far I've been using regular cow lace, but for no good reason other than it was available. Is the suede not as strong as the others? Would suede be suitable for motorcycle bags and the like?

Also, I purchased a lace cutting tool so I can cut my own lace, but I'm not sure what would make a good stock of leather to cut it from. I tried cutting from some 4/5 oz tooling leather, but that didn't turn out very well. The lace seemed to be too easy to break. Are there any recommendations for what kind of leather I should use to create lace?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

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Gosh, I guess it depends on what you're making. If I am making something where I need strength in the lace, either to pull it through or just because it needs to be strong, I use kangaroo. Calf lace can be nice and dressy, and yes, suede will not be as strong because the top layer of skin on the hide is gone and a lot of the strength of it lies in the skin. However suede is sometimes the best choice. Same thing for latigo - it's still got the top layer of skin so it's very strong, and sometimes it is the very best choice for what you're making.

It's like vehicles... there is no such thing as a "best" vehicle, it all depends what you are going to do. For example I live on a ranch and raise goats and horses. A BMW might be a great choice for someone else but it would not work for me.

As far as cutting lace for the first time, I would suggest a much lighter weight of hide. Tandy sells a "petite tooling calf" that is a nice light weight for cutting lace. Once you get good at it you can cut just about anything, but the more experience you get with using your lace, the more opinions you'll start to have about what would work best for what you're making.

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Hi wintermte,

Suede lace is good for decoration where absolutely no strength is required. Not good for use on anything related to motorcycles. Except maybe decoration on a vest or something.

If you want to do motorcycle bags, kangaroo is the only thing to use. It is very tough stretches a bit but doesn't not break. Use wide lace for bags. 1/4"....

As far a cutting lace.....what can I say....I use a LOT of lace but wouldn't waste my time trying to make it myself. I can make more money making the things I sell rather than making lace. I'm sure many will disagree with me, but I haven't talked to many leatherworkers who make their own....profitably. First of all, it is very tedious wsork and by the time you add up the cost of waste and the amount of time creating it, It is much more profitable to just buy the stuff. My opinion.


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