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I got a Singer 201-02 for $40 at a garage sale. They said it didn't work. But when I got it home I noticed that the wire connections where the plug connects to the machine, were disconnected. I reconnected them and Vola!! It works perfectly, it sews 1/2" thick veg-tan leather like butter! My greatest find this year!



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Posted (edited)

Is the 201-2 similar to the 201? I asked about a 201 as to if it could sew 8 ounce and so far its 50 50. Half say yes and half said no. You say it does 1\2" just fine.

So am I asking for trouble if I got a 201?


Edited by ps0303
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Posted (edited)

I would have thought that sewing a lot of leather with a 201 would really be asking a lot of them, as they are really domestic machines designed mainly for light textiles. I am very surprised that you can get it to sew 1/2" of leather, the one I've got here, wouldn't touch anything like it!


Edited by SteveBrambley
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Posted (edited)

I am amazed as Steve said my 201 wouldn't come close to sewing 1/2"


Edited by china
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Hi China,

I guess terms are the main thing here. I own a 201-2, best little machine Singer made. The 201 will stick a lot of leather together with thread, if that is the definition of sewing. However, doing it properly is another matter. For 32oz of leather, you should be using 277 or 346 thread, there is no way a 201 will handle that properly. That little rotary hook is not really up to 46, much less a rope like 346. Needle sizes are another problem. The proper needle for 1/2" of work would be a 25 or 26 and that is not available for that machine. But lets let everything stand and you sew with small thread and needle. Motors for small machines were 1/10th or 1/16 hp, and developed that at maximum rpm. Sewing at 50spm or so would not be very far up the power curve for those motors, and subsequently would put a lot of strain on the motor and the carbon foot controls of the era. Handwheeling will help a lot, but with time you are going to fry the motor. Used motors for the 201 run around $90.

So, save up and get a used 206, 226, or a Pfaff 545 in good shape. Or you can get something new from a dealer for $1100 or so with a speed reducer which is better yet.


I am amazed as Steve said my 201 wouldn't come close to sewing 1/2"


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Hi Art,

I was only expressing my supprise that the 201 would sew 1/2' leather, my 201 is basicly a collector, I have heavy duty industrial machines for leather,

45K, k6 etc. The needle in my 201 would break just thinking about sewing that sort of thing.


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