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I am looking for some good wrapped steel oxbows. I like the real wide and round ones but I am having trouble finding anything that is round. I have found alot of the more pear shape. If anyone can help me out with this I would really appreciate it.

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I failed to share that I have a pair if plain steel oxbows that I really like, they were made for me by a good friend. Like I said I really like these in the way that they fit but they dont look real nice. I would also take any info on how to wrap them with rawhide.


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Herb Bork makes a pair that is pretty round, but they are cast manganese bronze, so I don't know if they would work for you, but they do have a pretty round shape. If you are going to cover them anyway maybe it doesn't matter? Chris

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you need to look up weber stirrups. Trina weber.http://www.weberstirrups.com/

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