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When edging a collar/cuff with gum trag, should it be done before assembly, or at the end? I've been told it's one of the last steps in the process, but would it not be a lot easier to do it before all the hardware is attached?

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To prepare your strap after you have cut it to shape and pointed the end opposite the buckle

1. Take the edge off ie: bevel top and bottom.

2. Burnish the edges by moistening and then use a peice of course canvas or denim to vigorously rub the edges. Hold the strap in one hand and drag the rag firmly down the strap a few times till you can see the fibres along the edge have been slicked down. Everyone has a different way of burnishing but that should do for starters. Also everyone has different liquids they moisten the edges with. Mine is simply PVA wood glue disolved in hot water. When cooled it is good to go after a stir or a shake of the bottle.

3. Crease the edges. This is running a tool down the strap. Tandy has a cheap plastic tool that works just fine.

4. Assemble with buckles etc. If you try and do it after, the hardware is in the way and you can't effectively do the job.


Edited by barra

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That's what I thought, thanks.

Do you have a link to the tool you'd use in Step 3? I was told it wasn't necessary to use a circle slicker, that a good rub with canvas would suffice.

Do you use your PVA solution instead of gum trag/candle wax/saddle soap? What are the ratios? Roughly :)

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