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Dear Fellow Leatherworker.net members,

I have removed our Lady J Land & Livestock website from my signature and profile because our domain name has been pirated by evil forces in cyberspace. It looks like we can either ransom it back or register a new domain name, but in the meantime, there is a domain pirate who is using our name to try and sell everything from puppies to viruses so don't go to our website until I can get a safe domain name again.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Lady J

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What happened, Joane? Did you let the domain name expire? If you still own the domain name, you can get your site back! If I can help you recover what is yours, or if you need a new domain name and hosting, holler.


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Johanna's right, if you still have the domain name registered to you, then you can just hijack it right back. Also, your hosting provider should be of some assistance when something like this happens.



This happened to a friend of mine; he suffered a stroke, and while in the hospital, his site came up for renewal. Someone swiped it because of it's excellent placement in the search engines.

The person who swiped it was a true pirate; nothing would sway him not even when the circumstances were explained, he did not care but simply wanted an outlandish amount of money. So, my friend got a new name, and thanks to many many people who supported him, now has the same rating for his site that he originally had - all due to other sites linking him etc. After all, it was his *CONTENT* that had netted him that really terrific rating, and NOT the pirate's content. The pirate is now sadly trying to sell his now worthless site, while my friend still has great placement in the search engines.

I would be happy to link you if you get a new domain. Just let me know and I will do it. And best of luck in dealing with this.

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Domain Pirates? Being the computer-challenged guy I am, I've never heard of such a thing! But, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. There will always be low-life losers willing to steal anything to make a buck. (Sigh)

I hope everything works out for you, LadyJ.

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