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RMB Custom Leather

Sewing machine needle,thread, best for holsters???

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Does anyone have an idea of what is the most common size of needle, thread vs the thickness of leather for most holsters. Most of my holsters I sew are either two pieces of 7 oz together or two pieces of 5 oz together. Any suggestions on what works the best.

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Does anyone have an idea of what is the most common size of needle, thread vs the thickness of leather for most holsters. Most of my holsters I sew are either two pieces of 7 oz together or two pieces of 5 oz together. Any suggestions on what works the best.

With my Tippmann Boss machine, . . . I use 277 thread or 346, . . . depending on the "Look" I want, . . . but others use combinations of 277 and 207. The smaller is the 207 and larger is the 346.

You will probably have to go to a commercial sewing machine place to get that thread. I buy mine directly from either Tippmann Boss in Indiana, . . . or ST Leather in Missouri.

The needle size is easy to figure. Use the needle that has the smallest hole where you can put it on an 18 inch piece of the thread you are using, . . . and holding the string taught between your hands, . . . the needle will slide freely up and down the string when it is held on about a 30 degree angle.

May God bless,


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