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Since my primary mode for backup/offduty carry is in pocket, I made this holster for my Kahr PM45. Like my past pocket holsters, I built this one of 6/7 oz. vegatable tan, rough side out, and finished in Fieblings tan-kote. I lightly pressed this one with my holster press. I say lightly because I molded around the actual pistol and I don't believe Kahr's warrantly would cover a crushed frame. Also, a real tight mold job makes it harder to seperate the pistol from the holster during draw.



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As a friend, I don't think you should have that heavy gun weighing down your pocket, so I will offer to take that setup off your hands! :D No need to thank me, that's what friends do. Nice work by the way. It's always fun gettin a new gun so you can build new holsters!


Sorry Guys

My other photos didn't upload. I'm trying it again.










randy, just curious... how well does the holster stay in your pocket? seems like it would come out pretty easy when drawing the gun

  • Ambassador

Randy, was it May West that said:"is that a pistol in your

pocket or are you just glad to see me"? :rofl:


Luke, My popularity with the ladies has been on the upswing since I started pocket carry. Opps, sorry Johanna I digressed. :head_hurts_kr:

Breeza, I build my pocket holsters, rough side out. The hook at the bottom of the holster also helps leave the holster in the pocket while the pistol is drawn.

Mortorman, I will have my will rewritten so my Kahr and holster go to you in the event of my demise. The bad thing about buying new guns is having to build new holsters. Ya can't be a holster maker and wear store bought holsters can ya now? I need to start building my customers holsters before I get too far behind.

Semper FI

  • Members

Good looking pocket holster you got there. Looks functional and generally you don't need to heavy form a pocket holster.

Keep making the holsters your doing great.

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