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Jim Linnell in Florida this weekend

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I just got this message from Jim . Any of you that are close to this area wont want to miss this.

I am in Ft. Lauderdale this week attending the National After School Association Conference, trying to get leatherwork back into the school system through this avenue. My involvement at this convention will leave my Saturday morning free to do a workshop or demo at the Ft. Lauderdale Tandy Leather store. I know it's late notice, but you may have members in this area that would like to stop in if they knew I was there. Could you get a quick note out to members?

I'll be at the store from opening until noon on Saturday the 15th and then I'll have to run and catch my plane.


Jim Linnell

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Great BUT! Although I live in Florida, it is just about the same drive for me to get to Dallas, Texas as it is to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. About 700 miles (or 1100km).

Soooo, Jim if you pass through Pensacola, you are welcome to rest at my place.


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Well.... y'all will know where to find me this Saturday!!! ;)



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