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Luke Hatley

makers mark stamp

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BAREFOOT_LEATHER037.jpgThis morning U K Ray was asking about a Makers Mark Stamp..........

and me being the nice guy that i am.... I have one for him.... :rofl:



Edited by Luke Hatley

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Please forgive me for messing around with your picture . . . I just couldn't resist!





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Terry that was my first choice...................

back in the days (60's & 70's) i did more belts like that than i care to remember.

( when he wakes up thursday wont he be suprised)

Edited by Luke Hatley

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is that REALLY "barf - foot" leather?


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is that REALLY "barf - foot" leather?


(as u no...... we folks down south dont no how to spell)

yes it should be "BAREFOOT LEATHER". sorry i missed it.I must have been

over come with the humor.. :rofl: L M A O .

Edited by Luke Hatley

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when he wakes up thursday wont he be suprised

I suspect we may be in for a bit of a lambasting! :devil:

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I suspect we may be in for a bit of a lambasting! :devil:

I can handle it......I live farther from him.....THAN YOU DO.... :rofl:

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I can handle it......I live farther from him.....THAN YOU DO.... :rofl:

He doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to be even nearer to him next week . . . only about 40 miles down the road. Just say nothing - perhaps he won't notice! :eusa_naughty:

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Well, we did have fun last night, didn't we boys and girls? LOL!!!

Now we have all stopped sniggering I'll tell you something strange: you two silly beggers have actually hit on a real problem as I'm really struggling to find a logo for my business.

Sadly I'm not a great fan of naff 1970s footprints, Luke, or I might have been tempted to grab the barf foot design. But no, ungrateful wretch that I am, I want something a tad more sophisticated.

I had envisaged something rather elegant and tasteful - In fact, I am prepared to offer a reward of a very nice bottle of French Champagne, shipped anywhere in the world, for the design I use as my business logo. Is anyone up for a challenge?


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Hello Uncle Ray ,you got bother with the natives !! :drum: The lads down in Darkest Sussex will be only too happy to sort the buggers out for you, we will even bring the dog !!! he needs some vitamins100_0037_edited.jpg100_0051_edited.jpg

Anyway we need a bit of practice before the bonfire season starts , this Celt bloke sounds like he comes from Kent !!!!






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Hello Uncle Ray ,you got bother with the natives !! :drum: The lads down in Darkest Sussex will be only too happy to sort the buggers out for you, we will even bring the dog !!! he needs some vitamins100_0037_edited.jpg100_0051_edited.jpg

Anyway we need a bit of practice before the bonfire season starts , this Celt bloke sounds like he comes from Kent !!!!


A Kentish Celt? . . . no way! Hertfordshire - home of Boudica!

Death by slobberation . . . sounds different!

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A Kentish Celt? . . . no way! Hertfordshire - home of Boudica!

Death by slobberation . . . sounds different!

Are you sure your don`t come from Kent !!! You might not be too bad then! .But there is still that Herbert from the colonies ! Boadicea is responsible for the bloody dog anyway; the Britains breed them for War Dogs. Slobbered to death I don`t think so, this bugger weighs in at 15 1/2 stone (215 lbs). Now how do we get a ferry to this place called Texas!

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A sophisticated logo for a company named Barefoot Leather. That is a challenge! How did you arrive at that name in the first place, Ray?


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A sophisticated logo for a company named Barefoot Leather. That is a challenge! How did you arrive at that name in the first place, Ray?


Now you've opened the floodgates, Bob...

Barefoot dates back to my childhood when I spent a lot of time in a Budhist/Taoist household. The idea of Taoism appeals a lot and the whole concept of barefoot doctors in China - took my imagination. For those who haven't heard of the barefoot doctors they were farmers in remote areas trained by the government as para-medics so they could deal with medical emergencies. They still earned their living working barefoot in the rice fields, but had specialist knowledge that could help their fellow farmers in their time of need. I liked the analogy of being a writer, media consultant and marketeer but making a living as a leatherworker.

Maybe it is a challenge, but in case anyone is interested here are some Design Ideas:

In the abstract, barefoot is all about natural materials like leather, wood, beeswax and linen thread plus finely worked metals like silver, brass and copper.

barefoot is all about being 'grounded' and 'real' - no synthetic materials.

barefoot reflects the way we come in to the world and the way we leave.

barefoot is elegant, efficient and effective but most of all comfortable.

Barefoot is definitely the way to go!


Edited by UKRay

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Considering the 'root' of the company name, would you like some hint of Taoism/Buddism in the logo? The possibilities are endless...it is a very symbolic culture.

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