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@all europeans

knows anybody a recurce for tooling leather here in europe in the quality of hermann oak??

all vagtan leather here in europe is deadgrinded!! I know why but maybe somone knows a supplier for very good tooling leather in the old world...............................

thats a big problem now..........

thx for any info


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I buy all my Veg tan leather from this company here in the UK:

J T Batchelor Ltd

https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=local&hl=en&nui=1&continue=http://maps.google.co.uk/maps%3Fclient%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26hl%3Den%26ie%3DUTF8%26q%3Dbatchelor%2527s%2Bislington%26fb%3D1%26split%3D1%26gl%3Duk%26view%3Dtext%26latlng%3D13169620778518652464%26ei%3DWx4ySsa2NqSTjAeMw7j9AQ%26dtab%3D2%26action%3Dopen' rel="external nofollow">

9-10 Culford Mews

London, N1 4DZ

020 72542962‎020 72548521‎

The have very soft, very, very clean vegtan sides and shoulders in 1mm-1.5mm, 2mm-2.5mm, 3mm-3.5mm, 4mm, 4.5mm and others grades thicker. They also do all the buckles, tools, rivets and finishes you could want.

They do all kinds of chrome tan as well as splits and suedes.

They are an old fashioned company with no website or email. They do take credit card payments and try and ship orders fast though. I don't know about overseas shipments.



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thanks badger for info

- did you know how is the pricement of the leather?

- did they charge the leather by weight or dimensions?

- is it possibile to get a sample from 4 or 5mm tooling leather??

here in germany and around / it means italy / spain or somwhere its really heavy to find a tannery

the law for wastewater are so stiktly so the most tannerys are closed and the carindustrie is down at this time, it will kill the rest.........

greetings johann

I buy all my Veg tan leather from this company here in the UK:

J T Batchelor Ltd

https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=local&hl=en&nui=1&continue=http://maps.google.co.uk/maps%3Fclient%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26hl%3Den%26ie%3DUTF8%26q%3Dbatchelor%2527s%2Bislington%26fb%3D1%26split%3D1%26gl%3Duk%26view%3Dtext%26latlng%3D13169620778518652464%26ei%3DWx4ySsa2NqSTjAeMw7j9AQ%26dtab%3D2%26action%3Dopen' rel="external nofollow">

9-10 Culford Mews

London, N1 4DZ

020 72542962‎020 72548521‎

The have very soft, very, very clean vegtan sides and shoulders in 1mm-1.5mm, 2mm-2.5mm, 3mm-3.5mm, 4mm, 4.5mm and others grades thicker. They also do all the buckles, tools, rivets and finishes you could want.

They do all kinds of chrome tan as well as splits and suedes.

They are an old fashioned company with no website or email. They do take credit card payments and try and ship orders fast though. I don't know about overseas shipments.



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Price is usually per side or shoulder. I pay between 3.15 and 3.90 Pounds Sterling per square foot plus shipping, depending on thickness.

The sides are BIG.

They sent samples to me when I requested them.



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Hi Johann,

I don´t really know about the quality compared to Hermann Oaks, but I have good experiences with the leather from Worring Leder

But I also saw that Hermann Oaks must have a distributor here in Germany.

Could you please explain to me, what you mean with "deadgrinding" leather ?!?



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hallo marcel,

deadgrinding = totgewalzt (wie einen strudelteig!!) das heisst in usa wird leder nach gewicht verkauft und bei uns nach fläche

grüsse und danke

Hi Johann,

I don´t really know about the quality compared to Hermann Oaks, but I have good experiences with the leather from Worring Leder

But I also saw that Hermann Oaks must have a distributor here in Germany.

Could you please explain to me, what you mean with "deadgrinding" leather ?!?



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Hello Johann,

I buy my carving leather and most other leathers I need at Kobel http://www.kobel-leder.de/ . Their leather is easy to carve, but it is maybe not as cheap as other tannerys. The burnishing of Hermann Oak leather is a bit reddish, and Kobel leather not. They send you samples upon request I think.

They sell their thicker hides from 2 mm up by kilogram , only thin leathers are sold by squaremeter.

Years ago I bought a hide via ebay ( it was the one and only auction I saw from them) from Kilger http://www.kilger.de/index.cfm

It was a very good quality too, but I don't know their current pricelist.


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Hi Johann,

danke für Deine Antwort, hatte das Wort gestern auf die schnelle nicht im Wörterbuch gefunden.


Thanks for the link, maybe I´ll will give them also a chance and order a hide from them.



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Hi Marcel - what IS deadgrinding leather - do I need to know?



Could you please explain to me, what you mean with "deadgrinding" leather ?!?



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hello ray

i mean flatrolled

here in europe the leather saled by square footage(hope thats right)

in the us by weight (so the americans did not rolled the leather like a pizzadough)




Hi Marcel - what IS deadgrinding leather - do I need to know?



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Hi Marcel - what IS deadgrinding leather - do I need to know?



I think we're losing something in the translation, Ray.


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I think Johann try to explain that leather in german ( or maybe european) tanneries are treated in a special way.

After the tanning process, when the hide is still wet, it has wrinkles and does not lay flat on a table , because it is still a bit shaped like a cow.

Now there are large slicking maschines to straighten these hides.

With these process they become a bit larger. If they stretch the leather to its limits, they have more suface to sell, when the leather is sold by squarefoot or squaremeter.These hides have no good quality.

I hope you understand my description.......there is no online dictionary about leather related terms. :(


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... If they stretch the leather to its limits, they have more suface to sell, when the leather is sold by squarefoot or squaremeter.These hides have no good quality.

..And I think he also meant that the leather looses in this process the good tooling ability like e.g. Hermann Oaks has.



  • Contributing Member
I think Johann try to explain that leather in german ( or maybe european) tanneries are treated in a special way.

After the tanning process, when the hide is still wet, it has wrinkles and does not lay flat on a table , because it is still a bit shaped like a cow.

Now there are large slicking maschines to straighten these hides.

With these process they become a bit larger. If they stretch the leather to its limits, they have more suface to sell, when the leather is sold by squarefoot or squaremeter.These hides have no good quality.

I hope you understand my description.......there is no online dictionary about leather related terms. :(


Thank you, Gesa (and Marcel), that makes perfect sense to me now. They call the process 'plating' over here in the UK and I saw a demonstration of it when Badger, CelticLeather and I went down to Baker's tannery in Collyton in Devon a few months back.

Excessive plating does make the leather surface very hard and hides become difficult to work. In fact, I purchased some leather from Baker's and having tried a couple of pieces have avoided using it because I can't face the hassle of cutting it. Badger gave me the pieces he purchased as he had exactly the same experience. I'm waiting until I can find a use for it...

I hadn't thought that it was done because the square footage increases, but that kinda makes sense too!

  • Contributing Member

I forgot to mention that I also buy from J.T. Batchelors and have found the quality of their leather to be exceptionally good. As Badger said, they don't have a website or email but a phone call is definitely worth while. Ask for Rocky!


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Danke Gesa,

genau das meine ich mein englisch war schon einmal besser, aber mit dem alter und ohne training vergisst du so einiges................


I think Johann try to explain that leather in german ( or maybe european) tanneries are treated in a special way.

After the tanning process, when the hide is still wet, it has wrinkles and does not lay flat on a table , because it is still a bit shaped like a cow.

Now there are large slicking maschines to straighten these hides.

With these process they become a bit larger. If they stretch the leather to its limits, they have more suface to sell, when the leather is sold by squarefoot or squaremeter.These hides have no good quality.

I hope you understand my description.......there is no online dictionary about leather related terms. :(


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I'm told Ausonia Conceria makes a good Italian veg tan leathers. Some our our belt customers import from Italy. ausonia.it My contact is David Bilanceri.

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@all europeans

knows anybody a recurce for tooling leather here in europe in the quality of hermann oak??

all vagtan leather here in europe is deadgrinded!! I know why but maybe somone knows a supplier for very good tooling leather in the old world...............................

thats a big problem now..........

thx for any info


Hey Johann

have you tried www.tandyleatherfactory.co.uk , that's were I get all my supplies. They carry good tooling leather and they ship internationnaly very fast.

Take care


  • 1 month later...
  • Members
@all europeans

knows anybody a recurce for tooling leather here in europe in the quality of hermann oak??

all vagtan leather here in europe is deadgrinded!! I know why but maybe somone knows a supplier for very good tooling leather in the old world...............................

thats a big problem now..........

thx for any info


Hello Johan...

well...OK ich kann das ja nun in deutsch schreiben...HiHi...als ich in Esslingen am Neckar wohnte habe ich tolles Leder in Goeppingen bei einem Schuhwaren und Zubehoer Laden bekommen...aber ich glaub die gibts nicht mehr...versuche mal mit einem guten Messermacher in Verbindung zu treten...die haben immer Verbindungen mit Leuten die Messerscheiden herstellen....was natuerrlich bedeutet das die auch Leder Leute kennen...Schumacher Grossversand und Zubehoer waere mein naechster Versuch...bei dir in Bayern gibt es sicher Jaeger die Ihre Felle und Hauete zum verarbeiten bringen...nachfragen!! Und da du im Land der Lederhosen wohnst...frag mal einen echten Lederhosen Schneider,,,,der weiss vielleicht wo man da anklopft!!!

Gruesse aus Virginia

Habe schoene lange Sommer mit dem Motorrad am Wagginger See verbracht...!! seuffzzzz))


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Hello Johan...

well...OK ich kann das ja nun in deutsch schreiben...HiHi...als ich in Esslingen am Neckar wohnte habe ich tolles Leder in Goeppingen bei einem Schuhwaren und Zubehoer Laden bekommen...aber ich glaub die gibts nicht mehr...versuche mal mit einem guten Messermacher in Verbindung zu treten...die haben immer Verbindungen mit Leuten die Messerscheiden herstellen....was natuerrlich bedeutet das die auch Leder Leute kennen...Schumacher Grossversand und Zubehoer waere mein naechster Versuch...bei dir in Bayern gibt es sicher Jaeger die Ihre Felle und Hauete zum verarbeiten bringen...nachfragen!! Und da du im Land der Lederhosen wohnst...frag mal einen echten Lederhosen Schneider,,,,der weiss vielleicht wo man da anklopft!!!

Gruesse aus Virginia

Habe schoene lange Sommer mit dem Motorrad am Wagginger See verbracht...!! seuffzzzz))


servus james

habe einen gerber am chiemsee gefunden und zwar in grassau ist zwar schon um die 70ig aber noch recht fit macht wunderschönes punzierleder zwar nicht billig aber top qualität

grüsse aus bayern


  • 4 months later...
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hello johann,

Ich habe ein freund in deutchland, wie einest fabrik und magazin hast nur im leder.

PM mich und ich PM du das adresser.

gruSen Belgien,


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I use Herman Oak Leather daily here in my Ohio shop...

Herman Oak is ROLLED, if you buy the Oak Tanned Strap/tooling 10/11oz or thinner.

They do not Roll the 11/13oz skiriting and heavier.

Herman sells the 10/11oz and lighter by the sqft, 11/13oz Skirting is by side, and heavier is generally by pound.

It is beautiful leather, well worth the price!


Clint shields

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hallo johann

Hatte das selbe problem wie du und habe lange gesucht.

Verwende jetzt immer die croupons von kilger (www.kilger.de) und dann gibts in österrreich noch einen gerber ( www.gerberei.at ) der hat auch sehr gutes leder.

Das leder von kilger verwenden auch einige deutsche westernsattler. Kannst du mir bitte kontaktmöglichkeiten von dem gerber am chiemsee zukommen lassen, danke.

so long le pegasus

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Maybe you want to have an additional address:

I get my tools and supplies from www.beargallery.de. The have tooling leather, too, so you might have a try. 

Usually i buy my leather from worring leder (excellent price) or from www.lederkram.de (they sell scraps with a good price, so attractive for just experimenting). 



  • 1 month later...
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I get a lot of leather from Le Prevo in Newcastle in the North-East of England

I have been a customer for over 25 years & they are a very helpful & friendly group of people

I get some other supplies & certain saddlery hides from Abbey Saddlery - Knutsford

Hope this helps if you are still looking


As an aside, I keep trying to order from Kappey.de, but never have had them send me what I e-mail them about yet! (just a couple of tools & some questions about thier hand-awls as they do some very interestingly shaped handles that look as if they'd be very comfortable to use)

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