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Anybody know how to use cPanel?????????????

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I am trying to get my website back up and can't for the life of me figure out how this cPanel thing works. Does anybody here have any experience building a site with it???? I originally built the site with Homestead.......but it did not transfer and now I have to rebuild it. But I sure can't figure out how cPanel works. Homestead was just point and click.

Can anyone offer me some help or advice?? I'd really like to get it back up or at this point just get the home page down. Nothing I hate worse than checking back on an "under construction" site to find that nothing is being done to it.

At wits end.......


  • Moderator

cPanel is only the admin controls for your website, not a web building software. cPanel is where you set up your email accounts, put databases, check your stats and so on, but it doesn't build sites. It will allow you to upload to the server one file at a time, which can be mind numbing, so most of use an ftp client like Filezilla or Cute FTP to upload.

You can use free web templates to create a site, then just log in via ftp (not cPanel) and upload it. You can find free web building software, but some of the better programs cost money. If you already have MS Office installed, you can build a site from there. But you build the site with software and upload it all into the public_html file. The home page is usually named ".index". Google "HTML editor" or "WYSIWYG web building software" for a whole lot of choices.

The program you had was built into your old webhost- probably billed as a "feature" but it was proprietary to them so that when it was moved, it broke because it depended on their resources to display the content.

I'll be home all day after church if I can help. You have my phone number.


  • Contributing Member

Also in MSOffice- if you have Publisher, it has some templates to make your homepage.

cPanel is only the admin controls for your website, not a web building software.

This is the part I did not understand.

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