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My 2nd Cue-Case is ready...

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Dear all,

yesterday I have finished my 2nd cue-case. Please tell me what you think about it. I learned a lot from this project, which I can insert in my next cases.

At this point I want to mention Mr. John Barton, who helped my a lot with all his knowledge about building cue cases. He is always a good chat partner and has an open ear for the problems someone has.

Thanks a lot John (hopefully I dare bother you in future as well ;-)


















Edited by adamant-leather

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Very nice job man, Really like the design and your fingers must be a little soar because thats alot of stitching you did. The stitching looks excellent as well, very nicely done.

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hi marcel,

sehr schöne arbeit / handnähen macht spass gell....................

ein tipp am rande du solltest ein bischen tiefer schlagen wegen des optischen und räumlichen eindrucks

(3D effekt) und wenn du die kanten brichst wirkt es milder einfach mit dem modeliereisen drüberfahren



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Yes, I agree, very fine work.


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I was wondering what sort of things you made, Marcel. Nice job!


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Doch, schickes Teil, wirklich. Ich persönlich hätte bei den Taschendeckeln mehr auf die Rundung geachtet. Mit einer Lederraspel oder notfalls dem Drehmel lässt sich sowas schön nacharbeiten wenns mal hakt.

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Danke für den Tipp, werde diesen in der Zukunft berücksichtigen, sollte ich diese Art von Taschen noch einmal machen.

But please come back to english, so that the others can also follow this threat. ;)



Edited by adamant-leather

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hi Marcel,

nice to meet you here. sometimes the world is smaller than we think B)

very nice work

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Heey MArcel!!!

Good looking piece of hard labour. Lots of stitching there and I'm not jealous of that;-)

IT looks really good and you seem to have full control over the assembly part. How is the top and bottom piece attached?? I cant see any stitching, just the rivets that sits way below the top.

Conratulations on a well done second case!!!! :You_Rock_Emoticon:


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Hi Tom,

thanks for the nice words. Yeah, doing all this sewing can be quiet painfull, put for me its like meditation just me, the leather & and the thread *lol

Oh yeah and some harness needles are also involved *rofl

This gives the case a real handworked charm. I think I´ll keep this look for the future. It takes a lot of time, but a real good sewing machine is way to expensive for me, so I will stay with handsewing.

Doing the top and buttom piece is quiet easy. I just attach the leather onto a piece of plywood and fix it with some nails as U maybe can see in the pics.

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Looks great Marcel. I wish my second case had looked that good.

Work on the few things we discussed about this case and the next one will really shine. Very proud of you for completing two cases already.


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Hi John,

thanks a lot for the discussion. I will fix the few probs and go ahead with the next one. It will be also with some celtic patterns.



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