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Mother and Stepfather in House Fire

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Firefighters rescue elderly man, dogs from burning Hesperia home ~ Man airlifted with burns to 50 percent of his body June 22, 2009 - 9:42 AM

San Bernardino County firefighters pulled a disabled elderly man and his three dogs from his burning Hesperia home on Father’s Day night, officials said.

The man, who uses a wheelchair, was able to get into a hallway of his home, and that’s where rescuers were able to find the man, according to Megan Blaney, spokeswoman for the fire department.

“When they pulled him out, he had fairly significant burns to 50 percent of his body,” she said.

Rescuers airlifted the man to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton.

The fire broke out in the bedroom of the home around 10:15 p.m., Blaney said.

The man’s wife was able to escape the home and told rescuers her husband and pets were still trapped inside.

Firefighters were able to contain the fire to the bedroom of the home and knocked it down within 20 minutes, Blaney said.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.


The above is the first newspaper in regards to the fire at the house of my Mother Beverly and Stepfather Richard.

According to the doctors as of 5PM this evening Richard has 2nd and 3rd degree burns on just over 25% of his body.

My Mother who is in a different hospital than Richard seems to be stable but has been admitted to the hospital and we are unsure when she will be released but as of now they do not expect her to be released until the end of the week.

My mother and stepfather are elderly and due to the damage sustained to the house they were living in will not be able to live there and upon release from the hospital they will have to find a new home :(

I am working on setting up a way for people who are able to donate to assist them in moving, so please know that I will send an update as more information becomes available.

Please continue to pray for my Mother Beverly & Stepfather Richard who remain hospitalized at this time.

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Firefighters rescue elderly man, dogs from burning Hesperia home ~ Man airlifted with burns to 50 percent of his body June 22, 2009 - 9:42 AM

San Bernardino County firefighters pulled a disabled elderly man and his three dogs from his burning Hesperia home on Father's Day night, officials said.

The man, who uses a wheelchair, was able to get into a hallway of his home, and that's where rescuers were able to find the man, according to Megan Blaney, spokeswoman for the fire department.

"When they pulled him out, he had fairly significant burns to 50 percent of his body," she said.

Rescuers airlifted the man to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton.

The fire broke out in the bedroom of the home around 10:15 p.m., Blaney said.

The man's wife was able to escape the home and told rescuers her husband and pets were still trapped inside.

Firefighters were able to contain the fire to the bedroom of the home and knocked it down within 20 minutes, Blaney said.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.


The above is the first newspaper in regards to the fire at the house of my Mother Beverly and Stepfather Richard.

According to the doctors as of 5PM this evening Richard has 2nd and 3rd degree burns on just over 25% of his body.

My Mother who is in a different hospital than Richard seems to be stable but has been admitted to the hospital and we are unsure when she will be released but as of now they do not expect her to be released until the end of the week.

My mother and stepfather are elderly and due to the damage sustained to the house they were living in will not be able to live there and upon release from the hospital they will have to find a new home :(

I am working on setting up a way for people who are able to donate to assist them in moving, so please know that I will send an update as more information becomes available.

Please continue to pray for my Mother Beverly & Stepfather Richard who remain hospitalized at this time.

My thoughts and prayers are with your Mom and Stepdad, and you. Know that we are all thinking about you.


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My thoughts and prayers are with your Mom and Stepdad, and you. Know that we are all thinking about you.


Thank you very much

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Prayer missiles have been launched and are speeding to the target. Hope everything works out OK and very sorry to hear about this terrible event.


Edited by Bree

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My prayers are with your family also!

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Thank you again for your words and prayers.

It has definitely been a difficult year thus far, losing my nephew in February (2 days before his 21st birthday) and then Richard (my stepfather) losing his brother two months ago, just to name a couple of things that have gone on.

Harvey just said today... if it weren't for bad luck my family would have no luck at all this year!

Updated information:

My Mother was released from the hospital today, she will be staying with my sister for the time being. (My sister lives around the corner from my mom and stepfathers house.

My Stepfather is still in a burn unit on a respirator in critical condition. his burns will require surgeries, the first of which is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow depending on how his vital signs etc are as of then.

Attached is a picture of my stepfather's wheelchair which was next to the bed in his room where the fire started.



Edited by SadEyes

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I am so glad to hear your Mom is doing better. Like your signature says, "keep your head up".


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I am so glad to hear your Mom is doing better. Like your signature says, "keep your head up".


My stepfather continues to improve but remains hospitalized.

I will do a full update next week as time permits as soon as I have gathered all more information so as to be able to post it all at once.

Thank you all very much for your thoughts, prayers and donations to assist my family. Words cannot that you enough! :You_Rock_Emoticon:

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First and foremost, I would like, on behalf of my family and myself to personally thank everyone who has sent prayers, thoughts, well wishes and donations of clothing and finances in order to assist our family during this current difficult time. It is appreciated more than words can say.

As many of you know, my mother Beverly and Stepfather Richard were involved in a house fire on June 21st 2009.

Media including KTLA, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, San Bernardino Sun, Press Enterprise and High Desert Press all wrote articles regarding he fire, thank you to them for letting people know about this happening and to the members of those media organizations that have asked for follow up information in regards to the condition and status of my mother and stepfather, I have been told at least 3 of these media outlets will print a follow up in regards to the families current situation.

Police officials helped my mother out of the home as she was trying to assist Richard in getting out; she was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Richard had to be pulled from his bedroom which was ablaze and was airlifted to the hospital.

Members for both Hesperia and Victorville fire departments were able to extinguish the fire within about 20 minutes according to news reports.

My mother was admitted to the hospital with smoke inhalation and was observed for cardiac issues and was released on June 24th.

Richard remains hospitalized in the burn unit for 2nd and 3rd degree burns on just over 25% of his body and for smoke inhalation.

Upon his hospitalization Richard was put on a ventilator to assist in removing soot from his lungs and later a conventional ventilator to assist his breathing as his lungs healed. He was taken off all ventilators and put on oxygen on June 27th. Richard underwent skin graph surgery on June 25th and a 2nd skin graph surgery on July 2nd. He is improving and doctors feel he may be able to be released as early as July 7th.

The dogs that were rescued were not the only pets in the house; there were also 3 cats that were taken out of the house on June 22nd by the fire marshal. My sister and her husband are now caring for the cats and the Red Cross is assisting with sheltering the dogs for 30 days.

The house was deemed unlivable and a notice not to occupy was placed on it. All of Richard's belongings were destroyed except for his Marine Dress Blue Uniform. Anyone who is or was a Marine can appreciate the fact this uniform belonging to an ex-marine withstood the fire and is still usable. The hat and belt from the uniform were singed but the rest of it seems to be OK according to my sister and her husband. Some items destroyed that must be replaced include Richard’s hospital bed, his wheelchair, his prosthetic leg, his crutches and all of his clothing and many other odds and ends we all take for granted as to having them.

Pictures of the devastation this fire caused to the house can be viewed at:


Because of not being able to return to their home and the costs it will take to replace the items that were destroyed the family has set up an account for people to be able to donate in order to assist with these costs.

Those wanting to donate to the Brasen Fire Fund can do so at any Chase Bank branch nationwide.

Be sure to provide the account number which is 344-3890228, as not all branches across the country may be able to access the account by name.

Thank you again for all of you have done for our family during this difficult time.

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You can now Donate Online by using the following Link:


Pictures of the devastation this fire caused:


Please pass this on to anyone who may be able to help my family.

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I sent some through paypal. I don't have a lot to send but I do have a little, and if we all donate a little, it will be a lot.

And bump for you.


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I sent some through paypal. I don't have a lot to send but I do have a little, and if we all donate a little, it will be a lot.

And bump for you.


Thank you SO MUCH, no matter the amount every little bit helps and is GREATLY appreciated.

Here are the update links:

Website to Help Mother and Stepfather recover from recent House Fire:


Donate to ~ Brasen Fire Fund at any Chase - Washington Mutual Bank Branch nationwide ~ Account number 344-3890228


Donate Online using the following Link:


The above accounts were set up because my mother and stepfather are not able able to return to their home and to assist with the costs it will take to replace the necessities that were destroyed by the fire and help them get another place to stay etc.

Please pass this on to anyone who may be able to help my family... AND THANKS AGAIN to EVERYONE who has made donations, said prayers and offered kind words and thoughts to myself and the family.

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Here is the latest press release on PRWEB:

Donation Website Set-up After A Destructive Fire Leaves 73-Year Old Disabled Veteran Burned & Couple Homeless

Disabled Veteran severely burned in house fire now has a donation website set-up to help him and his wife rebuild their lives. Amazingly something did survive. That was his Marine Dress Blues, a military uniform that hung in his closet among the many other clothing articles that were destroyed.

Hesperia, CA (PRWEB) August 3, 2009 -- Beverly Brasen awoke when she heard her 73-year-old husband, Richard Brasen screaming her name. Immediately she headed down the hall to his room. There she saw the flames and her husband in his bed with his wheelchair next to him.

Beverly recalls: "Everything was aflame. The bedside table, the wall, his bed, the wheelchair, [and] the curtains were all on fire. That's all I could see when I was trying to get him out."

Beverly tried desperately to keep the fire from burning her husband, but she was unable to get him out of the room by herself. Not strong enough to lift him, Beverly resorted to running back and forth with pots of water that she could pour over her husband's body.

Ultimately it was the San Bernardino County firefighters who carried his handicapped and now burnt body out of the blaze. Richard Brasen's body was severely burned over 25 percent of his body with second and third stage burns. Having undergone 2 skin graph surgeries and recently being released from the hospital he is confined to a hospital bed as he is not currently mobile enough to even lift himself to an upright seated position.

Doctors at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center call Mr. Brasen a miracle patient. "They said that I am lucky to be alive, with all these burns at my age I shouldn't have made it," explains Richard Brasen. Emotionally traumatized, unable to sleep or eat Mr. Brasen's recovery is slow and difficult. Some of the burns seem to be healing well per Doctors statements while Brasen may have to endure more skin graph surgeries to repair the other burn damage.

Beverly Brasen was also hospitalized that Sunday night and released a few days later on Wednesday June 24th. She is having residual heart and lung issues due to severe smoke inhalation from the fire as well as the stress of rebuilding their home and life.

The couple had lived in their Balsam Road home for over 10 years. Fire officials said the cause of the fire is still under investigation. The Brasen Family originally suspected the cause to be Richard's new electric hospital bed, but the bed was not plugged in, nor was his wheelchair charger at the time of the fire. Speculation is that the origin of the fire may have been an issue with the electric wiring in the house; final reports from the fire investigator are still pending.

Beverly Brasen watched helplessly as the Firefighters brought her husband out and rescued their three dogs. It wasn't until the next morning that with the help of their daughters Deborah and Paula that the firefighters were made aware that there were 3 cats in the house that had not escaped. Paula and her husband went back into the house now tagged unsafe to occupy and found two cats hiding beneath the couch and a third cowering in a back closet.

The fire did not leave much behind. Flames destroyed Richard's prosthetic leg, hospital bed, wheelchair, crutches, and other medical supplies, along with most of the couple's clothing. Also destroyed was Richard's extensive DVD and music collection which he often watched and listened to from his hospital bed.

Amazingly something did survive. That was his Marine Dress Blues, a military uniform that hung in his closet among the many other clothing articles that were destroyed.

"It's sad this story did not get much coverage," explains family friend Karen Oliver, "As soon after that Michael Jackson's death covered the air waves. Knowing the great support out there by veterans and family of disabled veteran's, I would think there is support out there in the community to help us get this family back on their feet if they knew about this devastating fire."

"My mother and stepfather are elderly and due to the damage sustained to the house they were living in will be unable to live there," said Brasen's step-daughter, Paula Smith, in a myspace blog.

Since the fire, Beverly has moved into a house where she and her husband can stay for 3 months but most of her household items and furniture that was saved from the old house cannot be moved into the new house due to smoke/water damage. "The expense of renting a storage container, people helping move anything salvageable into it and then into the new temporary housing, has taken its toll on my mom and stepdad," Says Sandi Taylor the Brasen's youngest daughter. "My teenage nephew spent almost a month on a cot in the living room of my sister's house letting my mom have his room during her housing search." Beverly and Richard are still desperately looking to find a three-bedroom, two-bath house that allows pets that the couple can move into.

"Watching the devastation of my mother and stepfather losing almost everything they have, seeing them struggling to replace things that most of us take for granted is difficult when there is little I can do alone to help them which is why I set up the Brasen Fire Fund website http://www.brasenfirefund.webs.com " Sandi Taylor explained, "Every little bit helps, even a few dollars means a lot to those who are starting at ground zero."

Anyone can donate through the fund that the Brasen's youngest daughter, Sandi Taylor, has set-up by either by making a donations at any Chase Bank nationwide. Be sure to provide the account number which is 344-3890228, as not all branches across the country may be able to access the account by name; or by making a donation online via paypal, credit card or bank transfer at https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_...tton_id=6713381


Thank you for everyone who has donated and those who have shared the links with others in order to help my mother and stepfather, it is GREATLY appreciated.


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