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why i started

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I am an artist and i love to try new things all the time. I have always liked the look of handmade leather art. But i never even thought of really pursuing, (mainly because of the money it cost to get the supplies and i had no clue what it involved), but about 4 years ago my neighbor told me of his sister-in-law's boyfriend and that he was a leatherworker and he was looking for help in his new shop. So that is when i met Jayson from Mad Cow Custom Leather. he took me in for awhile and taught me some things on tooling and such and i have been hooked ever since. He does amazing custom motorcycle seats.

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Most of us were "drawn" to the leather! Then after that some of us are TOOL junkies! This craft lets us do both. It is great that you had a teacher to guide you in the beginning, some of us learned the long way of "Trial and Error" (lots of Error!) lol!! :ranting2:

Thanks for sharing your start in leather, show us some pictures of your pieces!


Rick J

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