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Here is a pocket holster I finished last night. I pocket carry mostly Airweight jframes, which are easy to manage, for heavier steel framed guns I added an adjustable support strap to allow the belt to carry the weight of the gun. It seems to work well, although I only used it for an hour so far...









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Very nice photography.

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Very nice work, and I second the kudos for the excellent photos. Being smooth leather, does it still stay in your pocket well when the revolver is drawn? I considered making one, but most I have seen were roughout. Excellent design and workmanship-


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Question on the holster, why the loop? I apologize for asking, I'm just curious as to the function, and fit. The pictures are excellent, the holster looks nice.

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...Being smooth leather, does it still stay in your pocket well when the revolver is drawn?...

Pocket holsters come with varying degree of gun retention, while a roughout or sticky material or hooks etc have some bearing on the holster staying put much more depends on the fit of the gun in the holster. One that is tightly boned vs one that is a drop in fit make the real difference. This particular holster is a loose fit with no boning designed primarily to fix the gun in the proper presentation for drawing and relies on the clothing for retention. This provides for very fast deployment when used for a primary weapon and works well in a normal threat environment. For duty use or as a backup during vigorous activity a tighter fit may be recommended.

...why the loop?...

Even lightweight guns get heavy. Depending on the type of clothing and the weight of the gun some combination's do not work. Heavyweight jeans or other rugged pants provide significant support for pocket carry, dress pants or other lightweight clothing does not. Using the support strap allows the belt to support almost all the weight of the gun and can allow you to pocket carry heavier guns in lighter clothing.

This holster is a work in progresses (as it seems all of mine are) and I already have a list of changes to make...

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I guess the reason I ask.. is wouldn't that strap be very visible.. so the carry conceal idea is negated. Sorry.. as I have said I don't carry pocket.. but the strap I thought would be visible.

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Jared - Concealed Carry does not necessarily equate to Invisible Carry and very few rigs are truly undetectable by someone who is paying attention. Even when wearing a cover garment OWB holsters will print, and IWB rigs are often not as covert as you might think. The reality is that most folks don't have a clue and are not paying enough attention to notice anyway. Trained observers and experienced carriers can spot CCW's at a rate that is surprising, even when no printing is visible there is body language and quirks that reveal concealed weapons to those aware of such things. While some consider comfort to be a secondary concern in holster design it is really of great importance, nothing gives up a CCW quicker than someone constantly adjusting or fussing about for no apparent reason. The faster you forget you are carrying the better off you are and a large part of that is comfort and placement.

As far as the support strap goes, I had in mind to use it under a suit jacket or untucked Tee-shirt, but the strap in and of itself is really not an issue. I could wear it all day exposed and it does not shout "gun", I have a keychain with a similar strap and as I said before, most folks don't notice anyway.

When you pocket carry, it is quite noticeable that you have something in your pocket with most pants, but people carry things in their pockets, and it is not unusual. It is one of the few carry methods that allow you a full combat grip unobserved by most by the common act of putting your hand in your pocket...

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I agree with you for the most part that the biggest "tell" is attitude and body language, but I think the strap as it is might be a little conspicuous. I wonder if it wouldn't draw someone's eyes to the pocket that normally wouldn't take a second glance. What about camouflaging the strap as a key fob or something similar?

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What about camouflaging the strap as a key fob or something similar?

This is a good suggestion. As it is the strap is much larger than necessary and could easily be reduced in size and reconfigured. You are correct about drawing unnecessary attention. Thanks for the input...

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