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Templates I find online dont seem to work the bridge between the nose is to short and the eyes are to small so Im asking for all of those who have made masks anyone got any template online that can be printed and then worked on to create a better mask or any ideas of how to make the distances between the bridge of the nose and how to make the actual piece of the eyes ( btw Marking it with a piece of paper on my own face doesnt work for me already tried it ). Any help would be greatly apprecaited

  • Ambassador

hi des...get yourself a hairdressers training head..usually after all the hair is cut off they are not needed by the trainee...these heads are full life size the eyes and nose are the correct size and spacing..they are made from a plastic/rubber stuff so you can stick pins through the leather to the head to hold stuff in place...they come in male and female


i also did a tutorial a while ago


Hope this helps




I've already got one of those thanks :) I'll check out the tutorial. You cut the eyes out afterwards ? may I ask what your best method of doing that is I used an exacto blade on my first one.

  • Ambassador

i use a scalpel for cutting out the eyes...i free hand cut one, then use that as a template for the other eye (remember to flip it), that way the eyes are always the same shape.

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